139 results total, viewing 61 - 80

The rise and fall of Wellman’s turkey industry

WELLMAN In 1923, a chicken farmer saw a flock of turkeys while on vacation in Minnesota. It sparked an idea, a vision, that would put his hometown on the map and bring it international attention. … more

Hobby Hens

KALONA You don’t need to be a farmer to keep your own flock of chickens. Urban chickens are becoming increasingly common as cities recognize the health benefits of access to fresh eggs while … more

Photo gallery: Mid-Prairie girls soccer senior night

WELLMAN Mid-Prairie honored their four seniors - Ella Titus, Eva Marner, Emily Curtiss and Ava Pence - during senior night which followed a 3-2 loss against the Washington Demons on Thursday, … more

Pharmacy on 8th takes on Wellman’s health care gap

WELLMAN When Washington County Hospital and Clinics announced its purchase of the medical clinic in Kalona last month, patients in Kalona may have breathed a sigh of relief, assured that they … more

Wellman unlikely to host circus this year

WELLMAN In previous years, as recently as 2022, Wellman has hosted the Culpepper & Meriweather Circus, which has provided entertainment for the community and served as a modest fundraiser. … more

Pathway’s ‘Little Women’ play delights

KALONA Parents and family gathered in Pathway’s gymnasium for a dress rehearsal showing of “Little Women,” a play performed by Pathway students ranging from 8th to 12th grade … more

Photo gallery: Mid-Prairie Prom 2024

WELLMAN On Saturday, April 27, Mid-Prairie hosted their prom through the rain and thunderstorms. Pairs were greeted by a swarm of parents and friends as they arrived at the school’s … more

Fiery Friday in Kalona, Wellman

KALONA Friday, April 19 began early for area firefighters, who were awakened by a call to an Amish farm on 540th Street, Kalona, east of Stringtown Grocery. Kalona, Riverside, Wellman and Hills … more


WELLMAN If Wellman residents want to keep their neighborhood grocery store, they will have to change how they shop. Instead of stopping in occasionally when they run out of butter or when … more

Wellman Fire hosts largest ever Tenderloin Meal

WELLMAN Wellman’s volunteer firefighters, assisted by their families, hosted another successful drive-thru tenderloin meal on Saturday, April 13. Their largest crowd to date followed directions … more

Wellman adopts FY25 budget, unsure about circus

WELLMAN Three of five council members turned out for Wellman’s city council meeting on Monday, April 16, at which the FY25 budget hearing was held without comment and adoption of said budget was … more

Future of Hills Elementary, students discussed at legislative briefing

KALONA Rep. Heather Hora and Sen. Dawn Driscoll held their last legislative briefing of the season on Friday, April 12, at the Kalona Historical Village, where they described myriad bills they … more

Wellman Fire celebrates Jim Millice’s 65 years of service

WELLMAN When Wellman’s volunteer firefighters gathered Monday night for a department photo, veteran firefighter Jim Millice had no idea he would be receiving an award as well. But when someone … more

Wellman holds tax hearing, approves repair estimates

WELLMAN The Wellman City Council met on a drizzly Monday night for two sessions, the first a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed property tax levy for FY25. The proposed tax rate is … more

One year later, a stormy reminder

On the afternoon of March 31 last year, a Friday, early spring winds howled across Iowa. Severe storms were in the forecast. Another typical late March day, right? The skies grew dark … more


WELLMAN At 4:22 p.m. Friday, Kari Honsey snapped one last photo of the massive funnel cloud on the southwest horizon and then headed down to the cellar. She grabbed her bicycle helmet, a granola … more

Mid-Prairie board gets serious about auditorium

WELLMAN The Mid-Prairie school board’s meeting March 25 consisted primarily of a work session, much of which was a discussion regarding building an auditorium at the high school; however, two … more

Wellman council ok’s property purchase

WELLMAN The City of Wellman has been contemplating the purchase of the lot located at 801 6th Street, a commercially zoned vacant lot with Highway 22 frontage that contains an LED sign. On Monday … more

Ramsey Creek Woodworks: quality design and craftsmanship for your next remodeling project

KALONA When folks drive by Ramsey Creek Woodworks on Hwy 1 just north of Kalona, they don’t always know what exactly the business does. Is it a furniture store or something? “We mainly do … more

Kalona Home Show prepared to dazzle March 22-23

KALONA Kalona has developed a reputation for quality home products and services, and on Friday and Saturday, March 22-23, many of them will be represented under one roof for the Kalona Home Show. … more
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