Cindy Duncan

1950 - 2024


Cindy Duncan has embarked on her greatest adventure yet, leaving this world after a spirited three-year tango with cancer. She spent her final years crafting cherished memories with her daughter Maria (Steve) Boone, son Eric (Megan) Landes, grandchildren Kyna (Aaron), Derek (Summer), Zach (Emmie), Payton, Panama, and Elora, and great-grandchildren Matthew, Mereda, Mosley, and Charlie. When she finally danced wildly toward the Great Mystery, she did so with a heart full of joy and a sack full of stories.
A true nomad, Cindy found a home in every corner of the country. Whether in her trusty van, a cozy tipi, or nestled in a small town, she discovered beauty wherever she was. Nature was her true sanctuary, and she often claimed that trees were the best listeners—they never interrupted her mid-monologue about the meaning of life.
Cindy was a fierce advocate for love, equality, and peace. She collected friends like rocks and seashells, each unique and deeply treasured.
Pondering the big secret of the afterlife, Cindy mused about becoming a ghost, angel, or a magnificent rock formation. Whatever her new form, she’s surely having a grand time, likely causing a delightful ruckus, debating philosophy with celestial beings, or hitchhiking across the Milky Way.
In her honor, let us live with love, an open mind, and a spirit a little bit wild. Though we will miss her, we take comfort knowing she’s out there, painting the stars with her unique brand of magic. Travel well, weird art girl, until we meet again.