Lone Tree CSD


Lone Tree Community School District
Board Retreat
August 15, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
Riverside Casino & Golf Resort

, The Board of Directors of the Lone Tree Community School District board retreat was called to order by President Sladek at 6:51 p.m., August 15, 2024, in the conference room at Riverside Casino & Golf Resort.

PRESENT: Eden, Hotz, Ogren, Sladek, Viers

Upon motion by Viers, seconded by Eden, it was
RESOLVED: to approve the August 15, 2024 board retreat agenda
ALL AYE: Motion Carried

Stephen Murley, Managing Partner at SFM Consulting LLC, lead the Board, Supt. Hotz, and SBO Tharp through discussion topics that included The Six Types of Working Genius assessment reviews, strategic communication techniques, establishing protocols, and effective and efficient Board meetings.

Upon motion by Viers, seconded by Hotz, it was
RESOLVED: to adjourn
ALL AYE: Motion Carried
President Sladek declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Next Meeting: Regular Board Meeting, August 21, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. in the Lone Tree School Library

Published in The News, Thursday, August 29, 2024 L-45