City of Wellman

August 19, 2024


August 19, 2024
Wellman, Iowa
The Wellman City Council met in regular session in the Wellman City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 pm. Mayor Ryan Miller presided with City Administrator, City Clerk and the following Council Members: Angela Stutzman, Shannon McCain, Fern Bontrager, Aaron Fleming & Nathan Klostermann. The Consent Agenda was approved by Klostermann, seconded by Fleming and all voted ayes with Stutzman abstaining from the SE Iowa Insurance invoice. The consent agenda includes the agenda, minutes from previous meeting, Approval of June Financials, Approval of Bender’s Bar & Grill Liquor License and the following:
Jonathan J Adam $99.73
Carrie R Geno $1,150.42
Laurelin E Geno $135.76
Melissa J Fleming $384.86
Megan E Harris $381.15
Ryan J Miller $276.78
Beth A VanWinkle $1,798.64
Betty J Johnston $35.64
Timothy J Garrett $2,486.49
Travis D Hartley $1,558.05
Rex A Peck $1,446.96
Josh S VanWinkle $1,463.77
Debra S Hill $617.88
Deana K Nolan $166.74
Shirley Y Brown $208.72
Anita J Kanagy $797.63
Kelly L Litwiller $2,397.33
Cynthia S Thrapp $1,392.23
Fed Taxes $5,270.88
State Taxes $1,698.00
IPERS $6,392.65
BC/BS $8,617.74
AFLAC $216.44
Hacap Utility Refund $39.66
Alliant Energy, August Utilities $9,638.39
Amazon, Library Supplies $125.97
Baker & Taylor Books, Library Books $290.37
Barco Municipal Products, Gas Supplies $337.08
Bob Boyse & Sons, Roadstone $708.06
Central IA Distributing, WTP Supplies $432.00
Cindy Thrapp, IPERS Reimbursement $385.21
Clayton Energy Corp., July Gas Charge $1,974.49
Compass Business Solutions, Billing Forms $963.75
Cox Sanitation & Recycling, WTP/WWTP Dumpsters & Large Stickers $545.00
Dakota Supply Group, Water Meter Pits/Supplies $6,907.20
Day Mechanical Systems, WTP PVC Meter Work $3,024.00
Demco, Library Supplies $57.54
Eastern IA Light & Power, Lift Station $170.90
Freeman Foods, Skate Merchandise for Resale $325.24
Freeman Foods-Sr. Dining Acct., Goodwin Center Food $354.04
Garielle Henecke, Banquet Hall Rental Reimbursement $1,100.00
Gambles, WTP Supplies $18.11
Hawkins, WTP Chemicals $2,159.82
Hi-Line, Shop/Gas Supplies $710.73
ION Environmental Solutions, July WTP/WWTP Labs $769.00
IA Codification/Simmering-Corey, May 2024 Codification $1,260.00
Iowa DNR, FY25 Wastewater Permit Fee $210.00
J&S Plumbing, Htg., & A/C, Parkside GO Repairs $1,027.13
JB Repair, End loader Repairs/Interstate Battery $994.90
Kalona Gutters, WTP Gutters/Downspouts $2,294.00
Kalona Machine & Fab., July Gas Tank Rental $20.00
Kalona Post & Frame, WTP Supplies $149.88
Kalonial Tree Service, Tree Removals/Stump Grinding $2,700.00
Kohl Wholesale, Goodwin Center Food $687.56
Level Edge Lawn Care, July Mowing/Trimming $4,300.00
Megan E Harris, August Library Supplies Reimbursement $10.50
Merchant Services, July Merchant Fees $906.65
Metering & Technology Solution, Splashpad Meter $1,014.16
Municipal Gas System, Furnace Rebate $250.00
Pefa, July Gas Charge $1,106.08
Quality Window Cleaning, Goodwin Center Windows $15.00
SE IA Insurance Service, Liability/Workers Comp Add-Ons $3,417.00
Shive-Hattery, Splashpad Project $2,525.10
U of I Health Care, Random Drug Screening $20.00
USABluebook, WTP Supplies $269.55
USDA, August Parkside Payment $2,532.00
Visa, Library & Skate Rink Credit Cards $581.36
Westrum Leak Detection, 4th Street $1,127.50
Yotty’s , Streets/Water/Wastewater Supplies $454.39
Total $97,903.81
June Financials:
Fund Revenues Expenses
001 General Fund $32,897.64 $25,802.82
003 Aid to Public Library $156.62 $1,341.18
004 Liability/Prop Ins $601.97 $1,068.00
005 Flood Insurance-Fire Dept. $0.00 $0.00
006 Street Assessment $0.95 $10,000.00
007 Tax Credit Reimbursement $8.33 $1,058.00
050 Comm Dev Grant/Housing $0.00 $0.00
054 Comm Dev Grant/Sewer $0.00 $0.00
008 Comm Beautification $260,500.00 $0.00
110 Road Use Tax $24,298.96 $9,955.46
112 Employee Benefit $677.68 $3,711.44
121 Local Option Sales Tax $15,847.54 $334,350.00
125 Tax Increment Financing $559.31 $0.00
127 Housing & Urban $2.58 $0.00
131 Library County $0.00 $0.00
133 Library Local $125.96 $0.00
134 Library Sitler Trust $0.00 $0.00
135 Library Fines & Fees $0.00 $0.00
136 Library State $0.00 $2,128.72
137 Library Savings $0.00 $0.00
138 Library Capital $0.00 $258.98
151 Skate Rink $2,891.72 $2,163.25
152 Parkside $22,250.48 $1,988.39
153 Parkside Maintenance $1.61 $0.00
154 Parks Playground Project $253,391.42 $2,826.30
156 Riverboat Municipal Grant $36,378.28 $250,000.00
182 SR Dining Waiver $0.00 $0.00
183 Sr Dining Donation $33,813.27 $6,862.94
184 Sr Dining Project CD $0.00 $20,000.00
185 Sr Dining CD $0.00 $0.00
200 Debt Svc 2012 A $1.30 $0.00
205 Debt Svc 2012 B $0.00 $0.00
210 Debt Svc 2011 Infra $0.00 $0.00
220 Debt Svc Parkside $0.00 $2,532.00
301 Cap Equip Reserve $60,000.00 $27,771.06
303 Capital Projects Bridge $118,000.00 $16,612.35
304 Cap Proj Parkside $0.00 $0.00
305 Cap Proj Parks & Trls $0.09 $0.00
500 Perm Funds/Library $0.00 $0.00
600 Water $58,051.60 $83,244.99
601 Water Capital Projects $30,000.91 $1,751.75
602 Water Sinking $0.01 $0.00
603 Water CD/RO Filters $10,000.00 $0.00
604 Water RO Project $1.45 $0.00
610 Sewer $32,156.35 $36,814.49
611 Sewer Capital Projects $0.01 $0.00
612 Sewer Sinking $10,002.00 $0.00
640 Gas $37,079.23 $43,076.74
670 Landfill/Garbage $6,273.38 $5,556.00
700 Cable TV $0.04 $0.00
740 Storm Water $3,273.67 $0.00
TOTAL $1,049,244.36 $890,874.86
In public forum Fick questioned what the rules were on fixing dogs in town. David Bushart wanted to thank the city employees for coming out to look at his property and that they were still working on a solution.
Ellis indicated that we received 65 calls last month with nothing out of the ordinary.
Resolution No. 24-37 A resolution setting a public hearing to amend provisions of Chapter 5 of the City of Wellman Code of Ordinances was introduced and caused to be read. The public hearing is set for September 3, 2024, council meeting. McCain moved to approve Resolution No. 24-37, Stutzman seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-38 A resolution setting a public hearing to amend provisions of Chapter 5 of the City of Wellman Code of Ordinances was introduced and caused to be read. The public hearing is set for September 3, 2024, council meeting. Klostermann moved to approve Resolution No. 24-38, Bontrager seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-39 A resolution setting public hearing to amend provisions of Chapter 7 of the City of Wellman Code of Ordinances was introduced and caused to be read. The public hearing is set for September 3, 2024, council meeting. Fleming moved to approve Resolution No. 24-39, Stutzman seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-40 A resolution setting public a public hearing to amend provisions of Chapter 60 of the City of Wellman code of Ordinances was introduced and caused to be read. The public hearing is set for September 3, 2024, council meeting. Klostermann moved to approve Resolution No. 24-40, Fleming seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-41 A resolution setting a public hearing to amend provisions of Chapter 18 of the City of Wellman Code of Ordinances was introduced and caused to be read. The public hearing is set for September 3, 2024, council meeting. Bontrager moved to approve Resolution No. 24-41, McCain seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-42 A resolution setting a public hearing to amend provisions of Chapter 136 of the City of Wellman Code of Ordinances. The public hearing is set for September 3, 2024, council meeting. Fleming moved to approve Resolution No. 24-42, Stutzman seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-43 A resolution setting a public hearing to amend provisions of Chapter 50 of the City of Wellman Code of Ordinances was introduced and caused to be read. The public hearing is set for September 3, 2024, council meeting. McCain moved to approve Resolution No. 24-43, Klostermann seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Discussion and action on Hwy 22 Speed & Sign Proposed Changes was had. Litwiller explained the plans that she was given. Council discussed the plans and placement of the speed limit signs. McCain made a motion to approve the plans with the request that Litwiller go back and ask if one portion could be turned into 35 mph instead of 45 mph but if not then leaving as is and to split cost of school zone signs with Mid-Prairie Schools, Fleming seconded and all voted ayes.
Discussion and action on Sunrise Child Care Lease was had. McCain made a motion to approve the 3-year contract omitting section 201, Fleming seconded and all voted ayes.
Discussion and action on Nuisance Property was had. Litwiller explained that she needed to know from council what the next step was for the nuisance property that they’ve been working on. Council discussed and McCain made a motion to table this discussion to see if property owner will show up with a plan, Klostermann seconded and all voted ayes.
McCain made a motion to approve Kevin’s Concrete LLC – 13th Street bid of $20,587, Stutzman seconded and all voted ayes.
Council moved into work session to discuss Washington County Riverboat Foundation Grant Applications.
With no further business to discuss Stutzman moved for adjournment at 6:57pm, Fleming seconded and all voted ayes. The next regular City Council Meeting will be Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers of the Wellman Municipal Building.

Minutes transcribed by the City Clerk are subject to Council Approval.

Published in The News, Thursday, August 29, 2024 L-267