Washington County Supervisors



At 7:00 pm Supervisor Marcus Fedler called to order in regular session, Main. Items on the agenda included: Public Hearing re: the establishment of a Secondary Road Assessment for a portion of 140th ST from Vine AVE eastward approximately 4,000 feet; discussion/possible action re: establishment of a Secondary Road Assessment District for a portion of 140th ST from Vine AVE eastward approximately 4,000 ft. Supervisors Jack Seward Jr., Bob Yoder, and Stan Stoops were also present. Supervisor Richard Young was absent.
The Board voted to approve the agenda as published.
Fedler and Thorius explained the purpose of the Public Hearing re: the establishment of a Secondary Road Assessment District.
The following attendees made statements regarding the proposed assessment and expressed their preference re: the paving of the road:
Dennis Krueger, 1422 Willow Brook Lane – in favor of 50/50 cost share for paving
Kathleen Holt, 1422 Windham Hill Drive – in favor of paving
Thomas Fay, 3147 White Oak Circle – opposed to paving
Bryan & Donna Johnson, 1478 Walter Mapp Drive – in favor of 50/50 cost share for paving
Anna Floryanovich, 1436 Walter Mapp Drive – in favor of 50/50 cost share for paving
Lynn Kubit, 3150 Whispering Ridge Lane – opposed to 50/50 cost share for paving
Kathleen Colbert, 3140 140th Street – opposed to paving
Michael Gerot, 3129 140th Street – opposed to paving
David Visin, 1443 Windham Hill Road – in favor of 50/50 cost share for paving
Sean McCarthy, 1440 Windham Hill Road – in favor of 50/50 cost share for paving
Douglas Colbert, 3146 140th Street – opposed to paving
Monica Jepson, 3129 Whispering Ridge Lane – opposed to paving
Terri Seidle, 1413 Willow Brook Lane – in favor of paving
Steven Colbert, 3140 140th Street – opposed to paving
Kenny Schrock, 1457 Walter Mapp Drive – in favor of paving
Richard Geneser, 1436 Willow Brook Lane – in favor of paving
Timothy Metz, 3115 W Point Circle – in favor of paving
Renee Gillispie, 1441 Walter Mapp Drive – in favor of paving
The majority of those in favor cited safety issues with the current road status while the majority of those opposed state unneeded cost or the lack of necessity.
Further discussion was held re: the proposed improvements and potential changes to the current proposal. A second vote from the residents was suggested prior to moving forward with a decision by the Board.
Seward shared letters received regarding the Public Hearing from those who were not in attendance:
Tim Teff and Sandra Anderson, 3138 Whispering Ridge Lane – opposed to paving
Tom and Pat Pederson, 3142 Whispering Ridge Lane – opposed to paving
No action was taken re: the establishment of a Secondary Road Assessment District for a portion of 140th Street.
The Board voted to close the hearing with no loss of jurisdiction.
At 8:39 pm the Board voted to adjourn.

ATTEST: s/TAMMY STEWART, Deputy Washington County Auditor

Published in The News, Thursday, june 27, 2024 L-102