Washington County Supervisors


MAY 21, 2024

At 9:00 am Chair Richard Young called the meeting to order in regular session, Courthouse Chambers. Items on the agenda: proclamation designating May 19-25, 2024, as Emergency Medical Services Week; presentation re: tourism in Washington County; approval of appointment of rural representative to the Washington Public Library Board of Trustees; personnel change request–GIS; 28E Agreement with HACAP to provide General Assistance duties and functions Supervisors Bob Yoder, Jack Seward Jr., Marcus Fedler, and Stan Stoops were also present.
All motions were passed unanimously unless noted otherwise.
The Board voted to approve the agenda as published.
The Board voted to adopt a proclamation designating the week of May 19, 2024, through May 25, 2024, as Emergency Medical Services Week.
The Board heard a presentation from Iowa Travel Industry Partners (iTIP) Executive Director Chelsea Lerud, Kalona Historical Society Managing Director Nancy Roth, and Washington Iowa Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Michelle Redlinger and learned that iTIP was created as Iowa’s statewide tourism association in 2021. The Board was informed that iTIP strives to improve collaboration, partnerships, and expertise among various stakeholders across Iowa and presently it is working and impacting over 500 tourism professionals across the state of Iowa, including Roth and Redlinger. As a steadily growing organization since its inception, iTIP is founded on strong membership involvement representing businesses, organizations, and associations from all aspects of Iowa’s tourism industry. Lerud shared that in 2022 visitors injected $6.9 billion into Iowa which resulted in a $10.4 billion economic impact, the support of 68,607 jobs, and $1.1 billion in state and local tax revenue. In turn Lerud asked the Board to invest in Iowa tourism by becoming a county level member of iTIP at an annual cost of $500.00. The Board took no official action.
The Board voted to appoint Owen Piette to a six-year term as a rural trustee on the Washington Library Board of Trustees. Piette’s term will begin on July 1, 2024.
The Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chair to sign, a personnel change request from the GIS Department for the hiring of Megan Anhalt as a temporary non-exempt GIS Intern, eff. May 21, 2024, at the rate of $15.00/hr.
The Board voted to enter into a 28E Agreement with Hawkeye Area Community Action Program (HACAP) related to General Assistance benefits for residents of Washington County. According to the terms of the agreement HACAP will serve low-income individuals and families in Washington County according to the Washington County General Assistance Manual. In consideration for its services in administering the Washington County General Assistance program HACAP will be paid by Washington County an annual sum of $1,200.00. Washington County will continue to pay approved General Assistance invoices directly to vendors. The agreement will commence on July 1, 2024, and will automatically renew each year on July 1 unless notice of termination is provided by either party.
At 9:40 am the Board voted to adjourn.

ATTEST: s/DANIEL L. WIDMER, Washington County Auditor

Published in The News, Thursday, June 27, 2024 L-97