Washington County E911


Emergency Management/911 Commission/Communications Commission Meeting Minutes
Thursday January 18th, 2024, 5:45/6:00 PM
Washington County EOC – Emergency Communications Building
2183 Lexington Blvd., Washington IA 52353

In attendance: Richard Young, Cara Sorrells, Stan Stoops, Ryan Miller, Mark Robe, Shawn Ellingson, Jack Seward, Jr., Illa Earnest, Marissa Reisen, Tara Polek (RACOM) via pbx, Glen Reynolds (RACOM), Roy Felts, and Melvin Rich.
At 5:53 PM the Communications board mayor’s representatives committee meeting was called to order. Present were mayors Ryan Miller – Wellman, Mark Robe – Kalona, and Melvin Rich – Brighton. Mark Robe made a motion to retain the existing mayor’s representatives and alternates. Robe’s motion was seconded by Melvin Rich, and carried unanimously. Ryan Miller and Mark Robe will remain as the primary contract town representatives on the Communications board with Melvin Rich and Allen Schneider – Riverside, acting as their alternates.
At 6:00 PM, Chairman Ryan Miller called the Emergency Management Commission meeting to order, a roll call was conducted, and a quorum was present. Present were representatives from Brighton, Crawfordsville, Kalona, Washington, Wellman, the Sheriff’s Office, and the Board of Supervisors. Absent were representatives from Ainsworth, Riverside, and West Chester. Approval of the agenda was requested. Marissa Reisen asked for an amendment to include an action item concerning a possible local disaster declaration. Mark Robe made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Richard Young seconded the motion, and the amended agenda was approved with no one opposed. Chairman Miller then requested a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting, dated November 15th, 2023. Mark Robe made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Richard Young seconded the motion and with no one opposed, the motion passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was the election of a Commission Chair and Vice-Chair. Chief Deputy Shawn Ellingson made a motion to re-elect the current Chair and Vice-Chair. Ellingson’s motion was seconded by Melvin Rich and the motion carried with no one opposed. Ryan Miller will continue as the Chairman and Sheriff Jared Schneider as the Vice-Chairman.
The first item on the agenda under old business was the siren system. Marissa has drafted an RFP and sent that first draft to the County Attorney, and then to the consultant. She added the suggestions and the last piece concerning the radio communications component with RACOM should be completed tomorrow during a scheduled meeting. After tomorrow, she will send out the draft RFP with the updates and if everyone had no objections, she would push it out on Monday the 22nd. When bids would be due depends on the next scheduled meeting date. The process of opening and evaluating the bids was discussed briefly. She would need to name the time and date they would be opening the bids. They could then be reviewed as a group at the next meeting, and approved at the next meeting. The WCRF grant cycle opens February 1st, 2024.
The next item on the amended agenda was discussion on a local disaster declaration for the recent snowfall and winter storm response. HSEMD has advised that if there is intent/need to pursue state and/or Federal disaster assistance, they would like to see local declarations that indicate this is needed. After a brief discussion, Melvin Rich made a motion to support signing the draft document proclaiming a winter disaster declaration. Rich’s motion was seconded by Mark Robe and passed unanimously. Those in attendance signed the document and Marissa would reach out to those who were not in attendance.
Moving forward with new business, the next item was discussion on the FY ’25 budget. Marissa Reisen detailed her budget sheets and explained she followed the 4% salary increase recommendation and her salary step plan. She keeps the amount in the budget for the group insurance but does not take it at this time. She ran through the other line-item changes, and it included an increase in building maintenance and a decrease in computer equipment due to cancelling one of the functions for the Salamander. She continues to put $15,000 away each year for a replacement vehicle. The current truck is still in good shape, it is a 2018 and has less than 50,000 miles. There was a mention that it might be prudent to keep the truck to haul the trailer and purchase a more fuel-efficient day-to-day vehicle to drive. Also added to the other machinery and equipment line-item was $100,000 for the siren project in case it is needed. The number needed for Communications had not been determined yet so the Commission will come back to this agenda item for a vote after it is.
Next on the agenda was the adoption of the revised county handbook. Shawn Ellingson made a motion for Emergency Management to adopt the revised county handbook. Ellingson’s motion was seconded by Mark Robe and the motion passed with no opposition.
Under the coordinator report Reisen advised that she would be taking some medical leave tentatively effective February 19th, 2024. She will be off for two weeks and under restrictions for the next four weeks. She is leaving word that if something is needed to reach out to Sheriff Schneider or Cara Sorrells.
Under other there was a brief discussion on the 29C legislation and the Communications funding mechanism via 28E. This was revisited at a recent meeting she attended and stems from the ruling in Mahaska County after disagreements between the Board of Supervisors and the EMA coordinator.
There were no purchases and there was nothing for the Commission under public input. The next meeting was scheduled for February 14th, 2024, at 6:00 PM. This will be held at the Board of Supervisors office after an Assessor’s meeting that they have already scheduled. Everyone already has plans to attend, and it will save scheduling a meeting on another night in February.
At 6:54 PM, Chairman Richard Young called the 911 Commission meeting to order. Present were representatives from Brighton, Crawfordsville, Kalona, Washington, Wellman, the Board of Supervisors, the Sheriff’s Office, and Emergency Management. Absent was representation from Ainsworth and Riverside. A quorum was determined. Chairman Richard Young made a request for an approval of the agenda. Mark Robe made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Ryan Miller seconded the motion, and the agenda was approved with no one opposed. A request was then made for a motion to approve the minutes for the last meeting dated November 15th, 2023. Mark Robe made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting and the motion was seconded by Melvin Rich. No one was opposed and the motion passed.
The approval of claims was next, and Cara Sorrells detailed the claims. The total of the claims was $50,278.72 and they included a GeoComm maps subscription renewal of $6872, and a LiftOff Office 365 plan with Defender renewal for dispatch of $7046.85. It also contained the semi-annual radio tower rental payments and the semi-annual budget transfers to WCSO and Communications. The total revenue received was $288,481.14 and it included the Sedgwick insurance settlement for the RACOM equipment on the Wellman tower of $284,896. Mark Robe made a motion to approve the claims as presented. Robe’s motion was seconded by Ryan Miller. The motion to approve the claims was passed unanimously.
Under new business the first item was the FY ’25 911 budget discussion. Sorrells went over the budget sheets. The expenses were estimated to be $763,800 and the revenue $251,697. The amount that we list in the other machinery and equipment line item is down from $500,000 to $400,000. This is due, in part, to paying for the tower utilities out of this line item as well as invoices from TAC 10 and LiftOff. Ryan Miller made a motion to approve the proposed 911 budget for publication. Miller’s motion was seconded by Mark Robe and the budget was approved with no opposition.
The last item under new business was the annual PSAP expenditure report which Sorrells had handed out to the Commission. The total cost to operate the PSAP from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, was $1,308,156. She listed set aside funds totaling $138,000 for the radio maintenance payment. This annual report is due to the State of Iowa 911 Program by January 1st annually. Failure to submit the expenditure report can result in the withholding of 911 surcharge in the following March.
There was no update under old business on the Pro QA/EMD implementation. The update to the storm damage at the Wellman tower will be in conjunction with the Communications meeting.
The next 911 meeting date was also set for February 14th, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Board of Supervisors chambers. This will be the public hearing for the budget for adoption.
At 7:06 PM, Chairman Ryan Miller called the Communications Commission to order. Present were representatives Stan Stoops, Ryan Miller, Mark Robe, Illa Earnest, Jack Seward, and alternates Melvin Rich, and Richard Young. A quorum was determined. Chairman Miller then made a request for an approval of the agenda as published. Mark Robe made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Jack Seward seconded the motion, and the agenda was approved with no one opposed.
In consideration of time and the driving conditions the next item was moved up on the agenda from old business and RACOM’s Glen Reynolds presented his storm damage update to the Wellman site.
Reynolds advised that as of this week all of the hardware is on order. The shelter has not been ordered yet and Senior Engineer Matt Gebel is working on that. The longest lead time on equipment is ten weeks. When the equipment comes into RACOM they will send us an invoice, and then we can pay it and send it to the insurance company. Jack Seward added that they have been in talks with the bonding agent about purchasing a tower from a private organization and if it could affect our nonprofit status. He will know more about that after this coming Monday.
A motion was made to adjourn the 911 Commission meeting by Mark Robe and seconded by Ryan Miller. The 911 Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:18 PM.
A request was then made for a motion to approve the minutes for the last meeting dated November 15th, 2023. Mark Robe made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting and the motion was seconded by Melvin Rich. No one was opposed and the motion passed.
The approval of the claims was next. Cara Sorrells detailed the claims. The total of the claims was $44,117.51 with revenue reported totaling $297,806.50. The claims included $6,360 for two quarterly payments to the Iowa Department of Public Safety for access to the IOWA system and $31,263 paid to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office for IT services for January – June 2024. The revenue was the 3rd quarter funding from the EMA levy and a semi-annual budget transfer of $15,000 from 911 for database maintenance. A motion was made by Mayor Robe to approve the claims as presented. Robe’s motion was seconded by Stan Stoops, and the claims were approved with no one opposed.
Two committee reports were given to the Communications Commission next on the agenda. The contract town mayors had met prior to tonight’s evening and elected their representatives on the Communications Commission. Ryan Miller and Mark Robe will remain as the primary contract town representatives on the Communications board with Melvin Rich and Allen Schneider acting as their alternates. The personnel and operations committee had also met with Sorrells and Sheriff Jared Schneider and discussed the salary step plan and the Board Of Supervisors recommendation of a 4% raise across the board.
The first item under new business was the annual election of officers. The current Chair is Ryan Miller, and the Vice-Chair is Jack Seward. Mark Robe made a motion to retain and re-elect the existing officers. Robe’s motion was seconded by Jack Seward and passed unanimously. The next item was the annual appointments for Communications Officer and Communications Supervisor. Mark Robe made a motion that Sheriff Jared Schneider remain the Communications Officer and that Cara Sorrells remain the Communications Supervisor. Robe’s motion was seconded by Melvin Rich and the motion was approved with no one opposed.
The proposed FY ’25 Communications budget was next on the agenda. Sorrells detailed the budget and the updated Communications salary step plan that included the 4% increase July 1st, 2024. The total of the FY ’25 budget was $1,196,076. $30,000 worth of revenue comes from 911 in semi-annual budget transfers leaving the amount for the EMA levy funding $1,166,076. Jack Seward made a motion to approve the Communications budget for publication. Seward’s motion was seconded by Mark Robe and passed unanimously.
The adoption of the revised county handbook was the next item on the agenda. Mark Robe made a motion to approve the adoption of the revised county handbook by the Communications Commission. Melvin Rich seconded the motion, and the revised handbook was adopted. The Communications staff will sign the acknowledgement sent out by the Auditor’s Office and return it to them.
The last item under new business was a signal amplifier for the Washington Fire Department from RACOM for $3,695.55. The fire department requested that the Board of Supervisors consider paying for the equipment if they pay for the installation, which would be $2,000 of the total cost. Reception is poor inside the building, especially in the sleeping quarters. They are staffed year-round 24/7/365 and responded to 1,093 calls for service last year. The supervisors in attendance advised that the intent of the radio project was that they would purchase the initial equipment and any additional equipment or service moving forward would be the responsibility of the individual departments.
The next Communications meeting date was also set for February 14th, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Board of Supervisors chambers at the courthouse.
Under old business the only item left was a staffing update. Sorrells advised that the new hire was moving into her last month of training and was expected to start covering shifts in March. They also interviewed another applicant this week who is interested in the other open full-time position.
Mark Robe made a motion to adjourn the Communications Commission meeting. Jack Seward seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.
Circling back around to the EMA budget, after adding the Communications number to $294,565, the ending total budget is $1,460,641. Richard Young made a motion to approve the EMA budget for publication and asked Marissa Reisen to email the final document out to the Commission. Mark Robe seconded the motion, and the budget was approved for publication with no one opposed.
Mark Robe made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Robe’s motion was seconded by Shawn Ellingson. The Emergency Management meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Cara Sorrells
Signature: Emergency Management
Signature: 911 Commission
Signature: Communication Commission

Official Publication, minutes to be approved at the February 14th, 2024, meeting. Any amendment to the minutes will be reflected in the following meeting minutes

Published in The News, Thursday, February 15, 2024 L-434