Washington County



At 9:00 am Chair Richard Young called the meeting to order in regular session, Courthouse Chambers. Items on the agenda included: discussion/action re: bid(s) received related to Orchard Hill Office Renovation Project; personnel change requests–Conservation; personnel change request–Office of Sheriff; monthly report–WEMIGA Waste Inc.; discussion/possible action re: EMS Advisory Council recommendations. Supervisors Bob Yoder, Jack Seward Jr., Stan Stoops, and Marcus Fedler were also in attendance.
All motions were passed unanimously unless noted otherwise.
The Board voted to approve the agenda as published.
The Board renewed discussion regarding the seven construction bids related to the Orchard Hill Office Renovation Project which were opened during the Board meeting held on May 28, 2024. Fedler recapped the various bids and answered questions from the Supervisors. Fedler noted that the low bid in the amount of $2,587,000 received from Woodruff Construction (Woodruff) exceeded the construction estimate, prepared by Carl A. Nelson & Company, by only $184,000 (8%) which Fedler attributed to the efforts of Project Manager Ryan Harris of Carl A. Nelson & Company. Fedler also expressed optimism that the bid amount from Woodruff could be lowered by adjusting construction plans. The Board voted to accept the bid received from Woodruff Construction in the bid amount of $2,587,000.00 for the Orchard Hill Office Renovation Project. During discussion Young clarified that at the present time the Board was giving consideration only to the various base bids but he added that construction of a canopy had not been completely ruled out. Young called for a vote on the motion and it passed unanimously.
The Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chair to sign, a personnel change request from Conservation for Maintenance Technician Jacob Adrian final day of employment will occur on June 12, 2024.
The Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chair to sign, a personnel change request from Conservation for Naturalist Intern Lydia Davis final day of employment occurred during August 9, 2023.
The Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chair to sign, a personnel change request from the Office of Sheriff for Jailer Rick Conrad final day of employment occurred May 7, 2024.
Lynn Whaley of WEMIGA Waste Inc. (WEMIGA) presented a report that detailed WEMIGA activities for the 1st five calendar months of 2024. The Board took no formal action. The complete report is available for review in the Auditor’s office.
The Board was informed by City of Washington Police Chief Jim Lester, who serves as Chair of the County’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Advisory Council, that the group met on May 29, 2024, and approved a motion to recommend that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution declaring EMS to be an essential service in Washington County as allowed in Iowa Code Section 422D. The EMS Advisory Council, as required by Section 422D.1(2), also recommended that the resolution include language stating that the Board of Supervisors offer for voter approval the authorization to impose a property tax to be levied at the rate of $.50 per thousand dollars of assessed value on all taxable property within Washington County which would generate approximately $740,000.00 annually. The recommendation of the EMS Advisory Council is that 50% of the generated funds be designated for the operations of the Washington County Ambulance Services with the other 50% to be distributed to the eight 1st Responder/QRS units located in Washington County. Finally, the Board learned that the EMS Advisory Council believes that such proposed funding is needed to enhance the county-wide EMS system by providing funds for training and equipment purchases. The Board voted to acknowledge a letter received from the Washington County EMS Advisory Council advocating for the naming of EMS as an essential service in Washington County.
At 9:25 am the Board voted to adjourn.

ATTEST: s/DANIEL L. WIDMER, Washington County Auditor

Published in The News, Thursday, July 18, 2024 L-119