Highland CSD

June 10, 2024


Highland Community Schools
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2024
5:00 p.m. – High School
Board Room

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Nate Robinson.
Roll call was taken with Joslin Schott, Rachel Longbine, Karen Fink, Monica Jepson, John O’Leary, Dan Ruth and Nate Robinson present. Also in attendance were Ken Crawford, Superintendent, Angela Hazelett, Secondary Principal, Jane O’Leary, Elementary Principal and Sue Rich, Board Secretary.
Ruth made a motion to approve the agenda. Seconded by O’Leary.
Motion carried 7-0
Consent Agenda Items:
Minutes: Approval of the May 13, 2024 regular board meeting minutes
Financial Report: Approval of the May financial reports
Payment of Bills: Approval of the following June bills
General Fund – $85,346.13
Prepaid General Fund - $12,472.79
Schoolhouse Fund - $17,875.00
Activity Fund - $9,602.59
Prepaid Activity Fund - $13,796.71
Lunch Fund - $15,868.64
Insurance Fund - $1,095.00
Schott made a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda. Seconded by Longbine.
Motion carried 7-0
Bids were received for the 2024-25 school year. Bid tabulations are available in the office of the Board Secretary.
Ruth made a motion to accept the sanitation bid from Smith Sanitation Services for the 2024-25 school year. Seconded by Fink. Motion carried 6-0
Robinson abstained
Longbine made a motion to approve the below gas bids. Seconded by Schott.
Motion carried 7-0
Ferrellgas - LP gas
Stewart & Sons – gasohol
Stewart & Sons - diesel
Longbine made a motion to approve the sale of obsolete equipment-school bus. Seconded by O’Leary.
Motion carried 7-0
Ruth made a motion to approve the purchase of 250 Chromebooks at a price of $69,250. Seconded by Longbine.
Motion carried 7-0
Schott made a motion to approve the registration fees for the 24-25 school year. Seconded by Longbine.
Motion carried 7-0
Ruth made a motion to approve the computer tech services agreement between Grant Wood AEA and Highland in the amount of $56,000 for 2024-25. Seconded by O’Leary.
Motion carried 7-0
Mr Crawford went over changes on board policies 404-R(2)-Employee conduct and Appearance-Code of Rights and Responsibilities Regulation, 507.09-Wellness, 507.09-R(1)-Wellness-Regulation, 405.01-Licensed Employee Defined, 405.02-Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection, 405.03-Licensed Employee Individual Contracts, 405.04-Licensed Employee Continuing Contracts, 405.05-Licensed Employee Work Day, 405.06-Licensed Employee Assignment, 405.07-Licensed Employee Transfers, 405.08-Licensed Employee Evaluation, 405.09-Licensed Employee Probationary Status. These policies will be brought back to the next meeting for the second reading.
Schott made a motion to approve the below listed board policies. Seconded by Longbine.
Motion carried 7-0
403.04 Hazardous Chemical Disclosure
403.05 Substance-Free Workplace
403.05-R(1) Substance-Free Workplace-Regulation
403.05-E(1) Substance-Free Workplace Notice to Employees
403.06 Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
403.06-E(1) Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Notice to Employees
403.06-E(2) Drug and Alcohol Program and Pre-Employment Testing Acknowledgment Form
404 Employee Conduct and Appearance
404-R(1) Employee Conduct and Appearance-Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Regulation
403.7 Employee Vaccination/Testing For Covid-19-Rescind
403.7R1 Employee Vaccination/Testing For Covid-19 Regulation-Rescind
403.7R2 Required Notices to Employees-Rescind
403.7E1 Employee Personal Attestation of Vaccination Status-Rescind
403.7E2 Medical Accommodation Request Form-Rescind
403.7E3 Religious Accommodation Request Form -Rescind
Ruth made a motion to accept the following resignations, appointments and modifications. Seconded by O’Leary.
Motion carried 7-0

Clint Jones-JH Baseball Coach
Jennifer McClenahan-Secondary Vocal Music Teacher & Vocal Music Sponsor
Drake Brezina-Highland Elementary 2nd Grade Teacher

Karlee Hugg-Assistant High School Volleyball Coach-10%
Shannon Hills-Head High School Volleyball Coach-14%
Sara Sublette-Cook-5.5 hrs/day-$14/hr
Mackenzie Streveler-Highland Elementary 2nd Grade Teacher-BA (0)
Emma Christensen-Highland Elementary 5th Grade Teacher-BA (0)
Jenny Lichty-Secondary Science Teacher-MA (7)
Jeremiah Carter-Secondary Vocal Music Teacher- BA (1)
Vocal Music Sponsor-14%

Jarrod Longbine-JH Baseball Coach to Assistant High School Baseball Coach
Selena Calderon-Cook to Elementary Special Education Associate-8.25 hrs/day-$13/hr
Kelli Peck-.5 FTE Secondary English Teacher to 1.0 FTE
There will be a board retreat on Monday, June 24, 2024 at 1:00 pm at the Ainsworth Fire Station.
The next regular school board meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at the Highland Board Room. Longbine made a motion to adjourn at 5:47 p.m. Seconded by Jepson.
Motion carried 7-0
Reports and documents and the full text of motions, resolutions, or policies considered by the Board at this meeting are on file in the Board Secretary’s office, 648-3822, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Published in The News, Thursday, June 20, 2024 L-183