City of Wellman


June 17, 2024
Wellman, Iowa
The Wellman City Council met in regular session in the Wellman City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 pm. Mayor Ryan Miller presided with City Administrator, City Clerk and the following Council Members: Angela Stutzman, Shannon McCain, Fern Bontrager, Aaron Fleming & Nathan Klostermann. The Consent Agenda was approved by Stutzman, seconded by Klostermann. The consent agenda includes the agenda, minutes from previous meeting, Approval of Tipsy Traveler’s Liquor License (4th of July in Wellman), Approval of Cilino’s Liquor License, Approval of May Financials and the following:
6/10 Payroll
Jonathan J Adam $51.94
Carrie R Geno $1,094.57
Laurelin E Geno $39.24
Melissa J Fleming $398.09
Megan E Harris $346.72
Beth A VanWinkle $1,793.23
Betty J Johnston $116.68
Timothy J Garrett $2,396.19
Travis D Hartley $1,600.07
Rex A Peck $1,395.90
Josh S VanWinkle $1,411.29
Debra S Hill $689.92
Landon Humble $32.00
Deana K Nolan $38.79
Shirley Y Brown $108.43
Anita J Kanagy $769.26
Kelly L Litwiller $2,274.85
Cynthia S Thrapp $1,902.75
Fed Taxes $5,049.94
Ed & Robin Brecht, Utility Deposit Refund $71.60
HACAP LIHEAP, Refund $44.61
Alliant Energy, City Utilities $8,283.68
Amazon, Library Books/Supplies $2,115.51
Baker & Taylor Books, Library Books $419.12
Binn & Stevens Dust Control, Fir/Gum Ave. Dust Control $1,411.20
Carrie R Geno, Library Reimbursement $62.34
Clayton Energy, May Gas Purchase $2,413.94
Cox Sanitation & Recycling, Small Trash Bags/Tags $562.50
Dakota Supply Group, Shop Supplies $987.00
Demco, Library Supplies $270.34
Eastern IA Light & Power, Lift Station $199.03
Finish Line Technology, City Hall/Library Cameras $1,240.00
Freeman Foods, Goodwin Center Food $24.07
Freeman Foods-Sr. Dining Acct., Goodwin Center Food $93.05
ION Environmental Solutions, WTP/WWTP Labs $578.00
IAMU, Gas Leak Survey $1,616.93
J&S Plumbing, Htg., & A/C, Parkside Leak Repair $96.20
JFH Welding & Fab., WTP Welding Work $610.00
Kohl Wholesale, Goodwin Center Food $600.90
Level Edge Lawn Care, May Mowing/Trimming $4,300.00
Megan E Harris, Library Reimbursement $47.97
Melissa J Fleming, Library Reimbursement $78.30
Menards-Iowa City, Library SRP Supplies $18.09
Merchant Services, May Merchant Fees $1,091.42
Pat Cady Construction, Parkside Gutter Repairs $225.00
Pefa, Inc., May Gas Purchase $1,276.58
Pleasant Valley Greenhouse, Downtown Planter Flowers $281.61
SE IA Insurance, 2023 Ford F600 Premium $568.00
Seed Savers Exchange, Library SRP Supplies $30.00
Southeast Iowa Union, Library Subscription Renewal $110.00
The News-Library Acct., Library Subscription Renewal $52.00
The News , City Hall Subscription Renewal $52.00
The Well, Liquor License Cancellation Refund $89.38
Travis D Hartley, FY24 Clothing Allowance $110.00
University Of Iowa, Random Drug/Alcohol Testing $156.00
USDA, June Parkside Payment $2,532.00
USDI, May Retainer Fees $225.00
Visa, Library/Skate C/C Payments $718.56
Wash. Co. Environmental Health, Goodwin Center Food License Renewal $150.00
Wellman Auto Parts, WTP/WWTP Supplies $61.14
Wellman Heritage Society, FY24 Insurance Donation $500.00
Yotty’s , Park Supplies $488.75
Total $56,371.68
May Financials:
001 General Fund $32,753.61 $24,382.01
003 Aid to Public Library $797.33 $2,911.40
004 Liability/Prop Ins $3,251.21 $49,514.31
005 Flood Insurance-Fire Dept. $0.00 $0.00
006 Street Assessment $1.48 $0.00
007 Tax Credit Reimbursement $6.02 $1,814.72
008 Community Beautification $0.00 $110,000.00
050 Comm Dev Grant/Housing $0.00 $0.00
054 Comm Dev Grant/Sewer $0.00 $0.00
110 Road Use Tax $17,355.44 $9,656.30
112 Employee Benefit $3,641.82 $3,679.67
121 Local Option Sales Tax $21,633.82 $49,511.67
125 Tax Increment Financing $9,416.20 $34,420.00
127 Housing & Urban $1.84 $0.00
131 Library County $0.00 $0.00
133 Library Local $434.27 $0.00
134 Library Sitler Trust $0.00 $0.00
135 Library Fines & Fees $0.00 $0.00
136 Library State $0.00 $1,672.51
137 Library Savings $0.00 $0.00
138 Library Capital $511,154.00 $0.00
151 Skate Rink $4,947.00 $10,478.64
152 Parkside $2,387.50 $1,575.49
153 Parkside Maintenance $1.16 $0.00
154 Parks Playground Project $0.00 $112,415.98
156 Riverboat Municipal Grant $32.38 $0.00
182 SR Dining Waiver $0.00 $0.00
183 Sr Dining Donation $2,979.10 $7,200.54
184 Sr Dining Project CD $0.00 $0.00
185 Sr. Dining CD $0.00 $0.00
200 Debt Svc 2012 A $1.12 $0.00
205 Debt Svc 2012 B $0.00 $0.00
210 Debt Svc 2011 Infra $0.00 $0.00
220 Debt Svc Parkside $0.00 $2,532.00
301 Cap Equip Reserve $0.00 $0.00
303 Capital Projects Bridge $0.00 $24,707.65
304 Cap Proj Parkside $0.00 $0.00
305 Cap Proj Parks & Trls $0.00 $0.00
500 Perm Funds/Library $52,335.99 $153,010.62
600 Water $0.00 $11,967.75
601 Water Capital Projects $88,751.26 $88,751.25
602 Water Sinking $0.00 $0.00
603 Water CD/RO Filters $1.03 $0.00
604 Water RO Project $0.00 $0.00
610 Sewer $42,855.04 $53,878.51
611 Sewer Capital Projects $0.00 $0.00
612 Sewer Sinking $41,628.16 $55,291.48
640 Gas $50,236.54 $25,376.30
670 Landfill/Garbage $6,606.11 $5,141.00
700 Cable TV $0.03 $155.00
740 Storm Water $3,243.48 $0.00
TOTAL $896,452.94 $840,044.80
In public forum, John Weamer spoke in regards to the cat issue in town. He expressed frustration at the number of cats that are running in town and the damage that they are doing to properties. He then spoke in regards to the property south of him on the conditions of the home and his concern of the lead paint that is washing off of the home and running into the storm drains. He requested that something more be done on these two issues.
Ellis indicated that we received 63 calls last month with nothing out of the ordinary.
Resolution No. 24-23 A resolution setting salaries for employees of the City of Wellman for FY25 was introduced and caused to be read. Bontrager moved to approve resolution No. 24-23, Stutzman seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-24 A resolution setting public hearing on proposed conveyance of right of way easement to Wapello Rural Water Association, Inc. was introduced and caused to be read. The public hearing is set for July 1st Council Meeting. Klostermann moved to approve Resolution No. 24-24, Fleming seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Bontrager made a motion to approve the quote from Kevin’s Concrete LLC (Road repairs) for $3,373.09, McCain seconded and all voted ayes.
McCain made a motion to approve the quote from Kay Park Recreation (Picnic Tables) for $5,236.60, Klostermann seconded and all voted ayes.
Klostermann made a motion to table quote from Kalonial Tree Services (408 4th St & 611 8th Ave – removal of trees and stumps), Fleming seconded and all voted ayes.
Discussion on 9th Ave. (Ginkgo) South of Hwy 22 Pavement Project. Litwiller explained that she had been contacted by the county on this project with options of expanding the county’s project to include the portion of 9th Ave. from the bridge all the way to Hwy 22 which could save the city a significant amount of money. The Council would like Litwiller to continue discussing options with the county.
With no further business to be discussed McCain moved to adjournment at 6:19pm, Fleming seconded and all voted ayes. The next regular City Council Meeting will be Monday, July 1, 2024, at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers of the Wellman Municipal Building.

Minutes transcribed by City Clerk are subject to Council Approval.

Published in The News, Thursday, June 27, 2024 L-202