Dry Manure Applicator Certification Workshop


Commercial manure applicators and confinement site manure applicators who primarily handle, haul, or land apply dry or solid manure should plan to attend the dry manure applicator certification workshop scheduled in Washington at the Washington County Extension and Outreach on Feb 14th and 1 pm. Please call Brandi at 319-653-4811 or register at https://go.iastate.edu/NDWW4H by February 7th to register for this workshop.

These workshops, offered by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, in cooperation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, meet manure applicator certification requirements for both confinement site and commercial manure applicators. The workshops differ from the regular manure certification workshops only because they tend to focus more on dry/solid manure issues such as stockpiling and handling. 

The workshops are free to attend and open to all. Pre-registration is required. No walk-ins are allowed. Applicators will be required to submit certification forms and fees to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to meet manure applicator certification requirements.

Event Date
Tuesday, February 14, 2023