The marching band and color guard led off the homecoming parade on Wednesday, Sept. 11
Cheryl Allen/THE NEWS
The homecoming court’s Niah Leaton and Xandree Campbell waved to the crowd from a VW convertible.
Cheryl Allen/THE NEWS
The FFA tossed Haribo bears and Milk Duds from their parade float.
Cheryl Allen/THE NEWS
Sporting neon hair and heart-shaped shades, the volleyball team was an eyecatcher on their parade float.
Cheryl Allen/THE NEWS
The football team tossed little footballs to fans lining the streets.
Cheryl Allen/THE NEWS
Herschel the Hawk looked handsome riding down the streets of Wellman.
Cheryl Allen/THE NEWS
Mid-Prairie ladies impressed fans with their long throws and endzone catches during the powderpuff football games. Men took to the field after for kickball matches.
Cheryl Allen/THE NEWS
The cast of Matilda the Musical gave the crowd a preview of what they’ll hear at performances on Nov. 1-3 at the high school.
Cheryl Allen/THE NEWS
At the end of the pep rally, Adrian Sanchez-Reyes and Dakota Michell were crowded Homecoming King and Queen. Sanchez-Reyes has been involved in soccer, cross-country, silver cord, and National Honor Society; he plans to study nursing or pre-med at UI. Michell has been involved in volleyball, softball, track, silver cord, and National Honor Society; she plans to attend the University of North Texas to play volleyball.