Washington County Supervisors



At 9:00 a.m. Vice-Chairperson Bob Yoder called to order in regular session a meeting of the Washington County Board of Supervisors which took place in the Washington County Courthouse. Items on the agenda included the following: Pledge of Allegiance; approval of agenda; public comment related to agenda items; discussion and action with regard to a proposed contract agreement with Ahlers and Cooney, P.C. to provide services related to Labor Relations and Human Resources; Quarterly Report – Recorder; personnel change request – Communications; Quarterly Report – Auditor; discussion and action with regard to designation of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as an essential service in Washington County; discussion and action with regard to Washington County Ambulance Service rates; department head comment; adjourn. Supervisors Bob Yoder, Jack Seward, Marcus Fedler, and Stan Stoops were also present. Supervisor Richard Young participated by telephone and yielded the Chairperson duties to Yoder.
Other individuals in attendance included Kalen McCain with the SE Iowa Union along with County Attorney Nathan Repp, Chief Deputy Sheriff Shawn Ellingson, Board of Supervisors Administrative Assistant Amber Williams, Recorder Teresa Mangold, Washington County Economic Development Director Mary Audia, and Washington County Ambulance Services Director Jordan Wright. Various other individuals listened and/or watched remotely by way of electronic means.
Yoder led the individuals assembled in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
All motions were passed unanimously unless noted otherwise.
On motion by Fedler, seconded by Stoops, the Board voted to approve the agenda as published.
There was no public comment.
On motion by Seward, seconded by Fedler, the Board voted to approve, and authorize the Chairperson to sign on behalf of the Board, a contract with Ahlers & Cooney P.C., Des Moines, for engagement for Labor and Employment Services. Language in the contract calls for Ahlers and Cooney P.C. to represent Washington County for the purpose of providing labor and employment related legal consultation/services, Human Resources consultation services, and contract negotiations. Complex personnel investigations are excluded and would be billed at the applicable hourly rate. All such services, excluding complex personnel investigations, will be provided at a flat monthly fee of $2,500.00 per month.
On motion by Seward, seconded by Fedler, the Board voted to acknowledge receipt of the Recorder’s report for the 1st quarter of FY25 and to authorize the Chairperson to sign the report on behalf of the Board. The report, presented by County Recorder Teresa Mangold, reflected revenues for the quarter in the amount of $134,660.95 with the county retaining $87,133.09. A total of 1,049 documents were recorded during the quarter and Mangold added that during the same period of time her office handled 51 marriage applications, 142 passport applications, 187 passport photos, and 322 boat, ATV and snowmobile renewals/registrations along with a total of 443 certified copies of birth certificates, death certificates, and marriage licenses. The complete report is available in the office of the Washington County Recorder.
On motion by Stoops, seconded by Fedler, the Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chairperson to sign, a personnel change request from Communications for Michelle Martin whose final day of employment occurred October 8, 2024.
On motion by Fedler, seconded by Stoops, the Board voted to acknowledge receipt of the Auditor’s report for the 1st quarter of FY25 and to authorize the Chairperson to sign the report on behalf of the Board. The report, presented by Auditor Dan Widmer, reflected revenues for the quarter in the amount of $1,815.00 which consisted of $1,775.00 in transfer fees, $20.00 for copies, $10.00 for election services, and $10.00 for one fireworks permit. The complete report is available in the office of the Washington County Auditor.
On motion by Seward, seconded by Fedler, the Board voted to hold a special Washington County Board of Supervisors meeting on Thursday, October 17, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Chambers for the purpose of considering a resolution to publish notice of meetings related to designating Emergency Medical Services as an Essential Service in Washington County, Iowa, as authorized by Iowa Code section 422.D, and also to consider authorizing the publication of notices related to the dates, times, and locations of public hearings related to the designation of Emergency Medical Services as an Essential Service in Washington County, Iowa.
Washington County Ambulance Services (WCAS) Director Jordan Wright recounted that on June 18, 2024, the Supervisors approved various rates for the various services provided by WCAS. According to Wright Lift Assist was inadvertently omitted from the list of such services and he in turn recommended that the service be added so that WCAS could in turn begin charging for the service. He also recommended that Advance Life Support Refusal Service should be renamed as Advanced Life Support Treatment with No Transport. According to Wright the change is in name only. On motion by Seward, seconded by Fedler, the Board voted to approve, effective October 15, 2024, a revised list of Washington County Ambulance Services rates as presented by Washington County Ambulance Service (WCAS) Director Jordan Wright.
There was no department head comment.
At 9:38 a.m. on motion by Fedler, seconded by Stoops, the Board voted to adjourn.


Published in The News, Thursday, December 12, 2024 L-162