Washington County


DECEMBER 31, 2024

At 9:00 a.m., Chairperson Richard Young called to order in regular session a meeting of the Washington County Board of Supervisors which took place in the Washington County Courthouse. Items on the agenda included the following: Pledge of Allegiance, approval of agenda, public comment related to agenda items, personnel change request – Office of Sheriff, Resolution 24-37 regarding declaration of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as an essential service in Washington County, discussion and action regarding Washington County Wind Ordinance 24-04, discussion and action regarding FY26 employee compensation recommendations, Department Head comment, adjourn.
Supervisors Bob Yoder, Jack Seward Jr., Marcus Fedler and Stan Stoops were also present.
Other individuals in attendance included Kalen McCain with the SE Iowa Union, County Attorney Nathan Repp, County Engineer Jacob Thorius, County Conservation Director Zach Rozmus, County Auditor Dan Widmer, and Board of Supervisors Administrative Assistant Amber Williams. Various other individuals listened and/or watched remotely via Zoom.
Fedler led the individuals assembled in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
All motions were passed unanimously unless noted otherwise.
On motion by Fedler, seconded by Yoder, the Board voted to approve the agenda as published.
There was no public comment.
On motion by Fedler, seconded by Yoder, the Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chairperson to sign, a personnel change request from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office to terminate the employment of jailer, Dustin Stuelke, effective December 20, 2024. Stuelke resigned on Friday, December 20, 2024, via email.
Yoder made a motion to approve, and authorize the Chairperson to sign, Resolution 24-37 regarding Declaration of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as an essential service in Washington County. Motion was seconded by Fedler.
Discussion was had regarding possible amendments to the Washington County Wind Ordinance 24-04. Fedler requested amending the existing ordinance regarding conflict resolution pertaining to damage to wind turbines, including clean up and the effect on surrounding farm ground. Fedler made a motion to suspend receiving applications until the issue is resolved. Motion seconded by Seward. Fedler stated he will research other counties with damage issues.
Discussion was had regarding FY26 employee compensation and elected official salary recommendations. Seward made a motion to approve, and authorize the Chairperson to sign, a letter drafted by Young and Seward to substantiate the 2% increase for elected officials in accordance with state requirements. Motion seconded by Stoops. Fedler commented that he would like to see calculations on how these increases impact the budget in future years. Motion passed 4-1 with Fedler voting nay.
During Department Head comment, Thorius made the Board aware of the upcoming road closure due to work being done on the bridge in Wellman. Work is set to begin the second week in January, 2025, and expected to last four to five months.
Chairperson Young thanked County Auditor Dan Widmer for his years of service to the county and wished him well in his retirement.
At 9:18 a.m. on motion by Yoder, seconded by Seward, the Board voted to adjourn.

s/ Richard L. Young
Washington County Board of Supervisors

s/ Tamera S. Stewart
Deputy Auditor

Published in The News, Thursday, January 9, 2025 L-109