At 9:00 am Chair Richard Young called the meeting to order in regular session, Courthouse Chambers. Items on the agenda included: approval of Railroad Agreement with CPKC for new crossing on Dogwood Ave; Secondary Road Use Permit application–Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI); personnel change requests–Ambulance; personnel change request–Communications; personnel change request–Veteran Affairs; Quarterly Report–Veteran Affairs; Quarterly Report–General Assistance; Quarterly Report–Recorder; Treasurer’s Semi-Annual Report; review of Washington County Treasurer’s Annual Investment Report; Quarterly Report–Auditor. Supervisors Bob Yoder, Jack Seward Jr., Marcus Fedler, and Stan Stoops were also present.
All motions were passed unanimously unless noted otherwise.
On motion the Board voted to approve the agenda as published.
On motion the Board voted to approve an agreement with the Dakota, Minnesota, & Eastern Railroad Corporation, doing business as CPKC, and authorize either the Chair or the County Engineer to sign pertinent documents. The agreement is related to a project involving the realignment of Dogwood Avenue near Brighton. The completed project will also result in the installation of a culvert and the filling in of the current road underpass of a CPKC Bridge located at CPKC Milepost 268.52, realignment of a road to enable the installation of a new at-grade crossing at CPKC Milepost 268.44, and the closing of the crossing known as Cedar Avenue/DOT #375848A located at CPKC Milepost 269.23. Work on the project will be performed by Cornerstone Excavating Inc. of Washington, Iowa, at a cost of $888,108.25.
On motion the Board voted to approve a secondary road use permit application received from The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) involving Co Rd G62, Gabriel Ave, and W47 between the hours of 6:00 am and 6:00 pm on July 26, 2024.
On motion the Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chair to sign, a personnel change request from Ambulance Services for Jordan Wright whose employment classification will change from non-exempt casual PT Paramedic to non-exempt FT Director at the rate of $45.67/hr. eff. July 31, 2024.
On motion the Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chair to sign, a personnel change request from Ambulance Services for Director Jordan Wright whose rate of pay will increase to an annual rate of $95,000.00 eff. August 8, 2024.
On motion the Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chair to sign, a personnel change request from Communications for Dispatcher Carrie Rich final day of employment will occur July 20, 2024.
The Board voted to acknowledge and authorize the Chair to sign a personnel change request from Veteran Affairs for the hiring of Carrie Rich as a FT non-exempt Veteran Services Officer eff. July 22, 2024, at the rate of $25.00/hr. Discussion followed with Young and Seward expressing concern with the possibility that nepotism influenced the choice of C. Rich who is the niece, by way of marriage, to current Veteran Services Officer Sue Rich. In response S. Rich stated that her presence at the candidate interviews was requested by Veteran Affairs Commissioners Terry Philips and Darren Dennler and due to a scheduling conflict, she was unable to attend all of the interviews. She emphasized that her presence at the candidate interviews was requested only for the purpose of answering questions about the position and definitely not to provide input or an opinion on the qualifications, strengths, and experience of the candidates. Discussion continued with Fedler, Stoops, and Yoder each voicing confidence in the selection process and the ability of Dennler and Philips to make the right choice. Another factor that benefitted C. Rich was her experience in serving as a Veteran Affairs Commissioner. Seward stated that his concern was not with the qualifications or experience possessed by C. Rich but instead with the public perception that nepotism played a part in the hiring decision. Young called for a vote on the motion and the motion passed as follows: Aye-Yoder, Stoops, Fedler; Nay-Young, Seward.
Washington County Veteran Services Officer Sue Rich presented the 4th quarter Washington County Veteran Affairs report for FY24. She reported that during the recently concluded 4th quarter of FY24 a total of $772.30 in benefits was paid while the total amount paid for all of FY24 was $7,136.60. On motion the Board voted to acknowledge receipt of the Washington County Veterans Affairs report for the 4th quarter of FY24. The complete report is available in the office of the Washington County Auditor.
Washington County General Assistance Director Sue Rich presented the 4th quarter Washington County General Assistance report for FY24. She reported that during the recently concluded 4th quarter of FY24 a total of $495.84 in benefits was paid while the total amount paid for all of FY24 was $1,162.72. On motion the Board voted to acknowledge receipt of the Washington County General Assistance report for the 4th quarter of FY24. The complete report is available in the office of the Washington County Auditor.
On motion the Board voted to acknowledge receipt of the Recorder’s quarterly report for the 4th quarter of FY24 and authorize the Chair to sign. The report, presented by County Recorder Teresa Mangold, reflected revenues for the quarter in the amount of $140,660.53 with the county retaining $43,151.53. The complete report is available in the office of the Washington County Auditor.
Treasurer Jeff Garrett provided the Board with the Semi-Annual Statement of Accounts by Funds for the period of January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024. The report included details for the following: beginning balance of $19,185,228.31, total revenue of $41,088,772.05, total expenses of $40,202,617.49, ending Treasurer’s balances totaling $19,327,814.54, and finally the various Auditor’s balances which totaled $19,745,116.13 as of June 30, 2024. Garrett noted that the ending general fund has decreased by approximately $1.4 million over the last three fiscal years. In response Seward questioned Garrett as to whether the Iowa State Association of County Treasurers affiliate had lobbied for legislative changes in an effort to alleviate such problems not only in Washington County but across the state. Garrett responded by stating that it was not necessarily the role of County Treasurers in Iowa to do so but he also added that discussions have occurred between County Treasurers and ISAC lobbyists regarding the problem. Seward opined that County Treasurers should become more involved at the state level of government. On motion the Board voted to acknowledge the Treasurer’s Semi-Annual Statement of Accounts by Funds for the period of January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024. The complete report is available in the office of the Washington County Treasurer.
Garrett presented the Washington County Treasurer’s Annual Investment Report to the Board and stated that the primary objectives, in order of priority, of all investment activities involving the financial assets of Washington County are safety of the principal, liquidity, and a reasonable rate of return. He added that assets of Washington County may be invested or deposited in interest-bearing savings accounts, money market accounts, and interest-bearing checking accounts at any federally insured depository institution operating within the state of Iowa. Assets may also be invested in certificates of deposit, obligations of the US government, and with the Iowa Public Agency Investment Trust. Garrett stated he relies on input and advice from bankers and fellow County Treasurers across the State of Iowa regarding investment decisions. Garrett also advised the Board that the investment policy, including substantial procedural changes and investment activity, is to be reviewed annually by both the County Treasurer and Board of Supervisors and in turn amended as necessary. Review and discussion of the report continued with no recommendations from the Board regarding amendments to the report. On motion the Board voted to acknowledge its review of the Washington County Treasurer’s Annual Investment Report for the period of January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024. The complete report is available in the office of the Washington County Treasurer.
On motion the Board voted to acknowledge receipt of the Auditor’s report for the 4th quarter of FY24 and authorize the Chair. The report, presented by Auditor Dan Widmer, reflected revenues for the quarter in the amount of $1,280.00. The complete report is available in the office of the Washington County Auditor.
At 10:03 am the Board voted to adjourn.
ATTEST: s/DANIEL L. WIDMER, Washington County Auditor
Published in The News, Thursday, August 8, 2024 L-248