Johnson County Supervisors 12/12/24


Cost of this publiction: 689.42
Fiscal year to date cost
(as of 7/1/24): 9807.77
DECEMBER 12, 2024
Resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors are only summarized in the published minutes; the full text may be inspected at the Office of the County Auditor, 913 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Mon. thru Fri., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and at
Chairperson Sullivan called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Health and Human Services Building Boardroom at 5:31 p.m. Members present: V Fixmer-Oraiz, Jon Green, Lisa Green-Douglass*, and Rod Sullivan. Members absent: Royceann Porter.
*Denotes electronic participation.
Unless otherwise noted, all actions were taken by the following vote: Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; Absent: Porter.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve the claims on the Auditor’s Claim Register for December 12, 2024.
4 Cs Community Coordi 1363.43
Abbehealth Inc 22348.23
Ace Reporting 138.25
Adam P Deluca 8.71
Adrian F Willett 4.02
Advance Builders Corp 1662.04
Airgas Usa Llc 144.71
Alan D Stolba 5.36
Alec Alward 14.74
Alison L Mcgoff 1.34
Allison L Crawford 5.36
Alyssa V Valenzuela 6.70
Amazon.Com Capital Se 2659.46
Amelia Slaichert 97.15
American Checked Inc 30.25
Amn Language Services 268.20
Ana M Diaz-Arnold 4.02
Anat H Levtov 0.67
Andrea R Weiss 18.76
Andrew A Longlet 36.80
Andrew C Sharkey 52.21
Andrew R Eichmeier 1.34
Angel E Poldberg 2.01
Angela R Lambertz 8.04
Anjali D Deshpande 4.02
Ann M Harvey 44.84
Anne E Sparks 30.77
Arlan Ross Thompson 1.34
Arnold Motor Supply Ll 616.35
Arthur A Mcbride 2.68
Asi Rentals 700.00
Audra L Nearad 3.35
Audrey A Moeller 1.34
Audrey M Fisher 2.68
Austin E Hull 20.10
Austin Jiras 155.00
Bankers Ad Co 4006.61
Barb Fleckenstein 8.71
Barbara A Duncan 43.50
Barbara Kay Robinson 1.34
Barbara L Fishman 8.71
Barry Bedford 0.67
Bateman Sean M 8.04
Bedrelddin D Ahmed 400.00
Berger William A 3.35
Bergus Rebecca W 7.37
Betty L Alfaro 6.70
Beverly A Hayes 0.67
Bill Horning 120.00
Billion Of Iowa City 89.21
Bj Rudish 180.00
Blake Oleson 111.96
Bluepath Finance Fc I 1286.17
Bogdana M Velterean 62.63
Bonnie M Wagner 1.34
Bound Tree Medical L 16778.76
Brandi J Radcliffe 9.38
Brenda L Guan 2.68
Brendan R Powers 1.34
Brian J Points 4.02
Brian P Hodous 12.06
Brian Singleton 180.00
Brian Whitehead 39.48
Bryce Sweeney 155.00
Business Radio Sales A 620.70
Cameron T Mcfadden 3.35
Can-Am Technologies I 8100.00
Candace K Murray 3.35
Carl D Holcombe 4.02
Carol A Joriman 30.10
Carol A Mcghan 18.76
Carol D Merry 0.67
Carol H Clark 0.67
Carol-Jean S Boevers 6.03
Caroline A Giehl 2.01
Carolyn K Sueppel 28.76
Carolyn M Rourke 4.02
Carolyn R Hradek 30.10
Carralee A Sueppel 8.04
Carrie M Stephan 6.70
Catherine M Nepola 2.01
Celia A Trealoff 2.01
Central Iowa Distribut 358.00
Chad Scarff 91.00
Charlene M Elbert 30.10
Charles A Kessler 2.68
Charles Dufano 10.72
Charles P Tomes 1.34
Charles W Murphy 149.36
Charlotte L Jeppsen 13.40
Charm-Tex Inc 133.60
Christine Griffing Mull 32.11
Christopher A Heck 33.50
Christopher G Haas 2.01
Cindy Edge 2.01
Cindy L Groff 26.08
Cindy Ruth Phillips 113.85
City Laundering Co 126.72
City Of Iowa City - Ut 875.82
City Of Iowa City-Ac 12283.00
Colette K Hartley 2.01
Colleen M Downie Galindo 2.68
Colleen S Brems 20.10
Concord Technologies 385.30
Conference Technolog 15759.79
Connie M Schnoebelen 10.72
Connie S Webb 2.01
Consumers Cooperativ 42480.12
Corporate Translation S 69.95
Crystal Anne Beaman 83.00
Custom Hose & Supplies 23.25
Cynthia J Michel 19.43
Cynthia L Doyle 4.02
D & R Pest Control 110.00
Daida 15.60
Dale V Hawley 4.02
Daniel B Stevenson 4.02
Danielle K Hauptman 14.07
Danny E Oburn 3.35
David Cacho-Serrano 1.34
David Anthony Caccioli 0.67
David Curtis 180.00
David D Burbidge 3.35
David E Scudiero 0.67
David G Anderson 50.20
David J Roberts 8.04
David L Smith 23.45
David L Yansky 13.40
David M Kozishek 2.68
Debora L Garcia 17.42
Deborah J Carter 1.34
Deborah L Seymour-Guard 16.08
Deborah R Hide 12.68
Debra Gaddis 8.04
Deery Brothers 3076.74
Deery Brothers Ford L 1549.18
Dell Marketing Lp 2717.86
Delta Dental Of Iowa 6034.77
Den Uyl Ann 12.06
Dennis G Visser 2.01
Dennis J Keitel 2.68
Dennis Leytem 12.01
Dennis M Grinstead 20.10
Diamond Senior Apartme 700.00
Diane C Thayer 4.02
Diane L Earhart 0.67
Diann M Dennis 13.40
Dive Right In Scuba I 4584.93
Donald E Macfarlane 0.67
Doreen Ann Strabala 34.12
Doris J Stormoen 13.40
Douglas J Shelnutt 29.48
Doula Consultants Llc 825.00
Dream City 2964.58
Drew O Letcher 46.18
Dylan M Metzger 7.37
E Suzanne Protheroe 4.02
Ecolab Pest Eliminatio 105.12
Eide Bailly Llp 3150.00
Elaine J Kane 5.36
Elaine S Paul 1.34
Elinor A Levin 22.06
Eliza J Willis 5.36
Elizabeth Hood 700.00
Ellen J Wellington 11.39
Emergency Management S 215.55
Eo Johnson Business T 1103.55
Eric T Peterson 0.67
Ernest H Kellems 4.02
Esjay Creative Works 14000.00
Ethan Hochstein 264.00
Ethan W Hochstein 13.35
Evan R Doyle 11.34
Farmers Electric Coope 196.10
Fin & Feather Sports C 269.81
Flora J Hartnett 16.08
Florian I Popp 19.38
Frank W Fleming 2.68
Franklin L Scamman 20.05
Freddie M Spearman 16.08
Galls Llc 344.75
Gary B Fickel 5.36
Gary M Lawrenson 14.74
Gary P Largess 5.36
Gazette Communications 370.00
Georgia B Page 1.34
Gerald A Pike 8.71
Gerald P Kealey 2.68
Gerry K Tetrault 26.75
Goodfellow Printing I 1626.00
Guillaume Clyde B 9.38
Gustavo A Manrique 5.36
Hawkeye Weld & Repair I 24.50
Hayden M Rempfer 1.34
Hdc Business Forms Cor 612.16
Heartland Shredding In 287.00
Heather A Clement 17.37
Helen L Rittenmeyer 3.35
Helping Hands Play Sc 2400.06
Henderson Susie J 0.67
Henry N Arp 17.37
Hochstetler Darin J 3.35
Home Ties Child Care 2590.73
Hovland Jody 1.34
Hr-One Source 126.00
Humana Health Care Cla 210.30
Hy-Vee #1281 50.00
Ims Alliance 525.63
Imwca 31079.00
International Assoc Of 960.00
Interstate All Batter 1254.75
Iowa City Regency Mobi 950.00
Iowa Communities Ass 35880.00
Iowa County Attorneys 2220.00
Iowa Legal Aid 7092.80
Iowa Police Chiefs Ass 125.00
Iowa Valley Rc&D 8750.00
Iowa Weed Commissioner 454.00
Isac 225.00
Ives Brian M 22.78
James R Visconti 5.36
James A Volk 1.34
James Alan Ruebush 1.34
James Edwin Hynek 77.00
James L Amlong 6.70
James L Beeghly 4.02
James L Mcgreevey 1.34
James R Yardley 4.02
James W Urban 0.67
Jamie M Hinschberger 14.74
Jamie R Helmick 48.19
Jan L Ahlberg 5.36
Jane D Jones 2.01
Jane L Green 1.34
Janet K Rudolph 3.35
Janet L Roe 33.45
Janet M Lewis 44.17
Janet M Lyness 8.04
Janet R Peterson 7.37
Janet W Salathiel 10.72
Janette M Birney 5.36
Janice C Smith 1.34
Jason Allen 583.00
Jason Mick 180.00
Jayne M Keiser 4.02
Jean A Walshire 2.01
Jean M Prokopek-Kasnick 9.38
Jeanne A Strand 234.95
Jeanne C Stracuzzi 2.68
Jeannette E Kozajda 13.40
Jeffrey Allen Knox 5.36
Jeffrey L Sailors 5.36
Jeffrey W Ryder 1.34
Jennifer B Flatte 28.09
Jennifer J Alden 1.34
Jennifer Miller 82.41
Jerald L Fleagle 5.36
Jerry D Ford 1.34
Jerry L Hankins 20.10
Jessica L Moore 1.34
Jill R Asprey 4.02
Jim Donovan 180.00
Jmg Properties 750.00
Joella R Gerber 18.76
John K Sopher 28.76
John R Grundstad 25.46
John R Tiffany 10.72
Johnson County Audit 10402.93
Johnson County Refuse 349.25
Johnson County Second 1915.62
Joint Emergency Commun 222.25
Jon Michael Burzacott 13.40
Jordan C Anderson 5.36
Joseph B Wilensky 45.36
Joseph C Foley 8.04
Josephine Dalton 87.55
Joshua F Busard 85.09
Joyce L Moore 34.12
Joyce M Kral 8.04
Julie Carter 180.00
Julie J Koch 6.03
Justin C Harris 0.67
Justin R Bonzato 3.35
Justin T Kilker 2.68
Kacey Ginn 10.05
Kaitlin C Schlotfelt 6.03
Karen A Reiland 9.38
Karen L Andrusiak 8.04
Karen L Fesler 13.40
Karen L Greenleaf 24.12
Karen S Stong 6.70
Karen T Keith-Zamora 1.34
Karl W Arndt 5.36
Karla K Cook 2.68
Katharine B Thompson 29.43
Katherine L Roloff 2.01
Katherine L Ryerson 72.31
Katherine Seemuth Mossm 13.40
Katherine W Roche 10.05
Kathryn A Maxwell 14.74
Kathryn L Saylor 0.67
Kathy L Skewes 0.67
Kathyln L Carroll 2.01
Kay A Seagren 47.52
Kay F Langenberg 50.20
Keith R Less 7.37
Kellen A Baird 6.70
Kelley J Donham 5.36
Kelly Drake 2.01
Kennedy Gelner Cronk & 84.00
Kenneth Randall Hausler 8.04
Kenneth W Gerleman 29.48
Kevin B Hoyland 4.02
Kevin G Leidal 16.08
Kevin J Carr 1.34
Kiecks Career Apparel 991.00
Kirkwood Community Colle 9.00
Kremer Allison J 6.03
Kristal Wenger 545.38
Kristin M Watson 0.67
Kristina Abuissa 20.72
Kristy A Nichols 10.05
Kurt G Wieland 21.44
Kylan G Ives 22.78
Larry E Patten 0.67
Laura J Dunlap 2.68
Lauri L Riss 2.68
Laurie J Forbes 62.26
Laurie Rovelstad 28.14
Lenovo (United States 1260.00
Leon J Dingbaum 15.41
Lin Pierce 4.02
Linda C Westphal 1.34
Linda S Scott 3.35
Linde Gas & Equipment 201.10
Linder Tire Service I 1681.92
Lisa A Wachendorf 0.67
Lisa A Waul 156.78
Lisa L Brooks 4.02
Lisa R Schmidt 17.42
Ll Pelling Co Inc 477.00
Logan B Lawhorn 4.69
Lone Tree Community S 7450.00
Lori A Smith 18.76
Lori C Decoster 2.01
Lotempio Daniel R 10.72
Lucas J Bean 0.67
Lucy J Gamon 16.08
Luis F Alfaro 20.10
Luke K Doebel 11.39
Lyle E Muller 2.68
Mac Real Estate Llc 750.00
Madeline G Castings 5.36
Madonna Mccormick 16.70
Marc F Davis 6.70
Marcia A Greiner 8.04
Margaret M Donovan 13.40
Margery S Jensen 5.36
Mark L Prentice 1.34
Marly Melsh 16.75
Martin Equipment Of Il 191.37
Mary C Burr 28.14
Mary C Mccarthy 2.01
Mary I Horn 2.68
Mary Lou Close 14.02
Mary M Fruechte 33.45
Mary R Patchett 2.01
Mary Rebecca-Almquist Wa 8.71
Mary T Eggenburg 2.68
Matheson Tri Gas 615.35
Matt L Mcandrew 3.35
Matthew S Hubbard 1.34
Mckesson Medical Surgi 620.69
Megan A Klein 0.67
Megan E Brown 5.36
Megan J Reese 1.34
Melrose Daycare 545.45
Menards - Iowa City 366.95
Meredith L Music 14.74
Merle L Simmons Iii 12.06
Michael D Thumm 7.37
Michael E Hull 34.12
Michael Edward Mallie 23.45
Michael J Healy 1.34
Michael J Leick 2.01
Michael L Spangle 1.34
Michaela B Rampulla Fish 0.67
Mid American Energy 2999.92
Midwest Frame & Axle 704.09
Midwest Mailworks Inc 351.59
Minnetta V Gardinier 1.34
Miriam A Timmer-Hackert 2.68
Mitchell E Otto 1.34
Modern Manor Inc 665.00
Molly C Rose 2.01
Molly M Cobb 0.67
Moxant Financial Llc 784.56
Nan A Harris 4.02
Nancy A Slach 53.55
Nancy J Davin 4.69
Napa Auto Parts 889.86
Nathan M Mueller 110.97
Neumann Monson Pc 1125.00
Nicholas C Dykstra 27.42
Nita M Wiederien 1.34
Noah W Pavelich 6.03
Obn Llc 750.00
Obrien Sandra A 8.04
Office Express Office P 83.97
Onnolee B Broman 26.80
Opn Architects 8800.50
Origin Design Co 4750.00
Ottsen Oil Co 4350.60
Owen G Byl 4.69
Pamela A Watkins 3.35
Pamela K Kautz 14.74
Pamela K Yoder 3.35
Patricia A Fields 22.73
Patricia A Heiden 0.67
Patricia A Yeggy 14.02
Patricia Edwards 6.70
Patricia F Otdoerfer 8.71
Patrick C Whetstone 37.47
Patti A Mitchell 0.67
Paul D Johnson 25.41
Paul E Potter 6.70
Paul F Hain Jr 24.12
Paul M Horning 46.18
Paul R Meiners 2.68
Paula L Kerezsi 1.34
Penny Boyd 10.05
Perry A Makumi 16.75
Peter W Robinson 1.34
Pip Printing & Marketi 176.52
Pitney Bowes Global Fi 171.99
Psc Distribution 3490.67
Pulsepoint Foundatio 10500.00
Purple Bloom School L 8636.24
Pyramid Services Inc. 164.89
Rachel K Anderson 2.68
Rachel L Santos 9.38
Randall Karen K 12.06
Rangemasters Training 200.00
Rapids Reproductions I 178.53
Raymond Bruce Haupert 10.72
Rebecca F Graf 27.42
Rebecca G Dewing 26.80
Rebecca K Stinson 1.34
Reedus Rebecca A 10.05
Reilly M O’gorman 3.35
Rex J Sandidge 7.37
Richard C Meade 3.35
Richard E Walton Jr 12.06
Richard Havel 21.44
Richard Hyndman Jr 3.35
Richard L Vogelzang 1.34
Richard P Tiegs 26.08
Rick L Graf 5.36
Rita K Davis 6.70
Rita L Kenyon 24.74
Robert Arbuckle 5.36
Robert E Guyer 2.68
Robert I Crawford 17.37
Robert J Provorse 18.71
Robert J Saunders 20.72
Robert J Turnquist 3.35
Robert M Miller 21.44
Rochelle R Asher 18.76
Roger Beermann 21.44
Roger Jensen 3.35
Rosanna M Seabold 4.02
Rosemarie G Rennekamp 5.36
Rousseau’s Llc 502.10
Roy R Fisher 4500.00
Russell F Husted 35.46
Ruth A Caven 2.01
Ryan Debra J 6.70
Sally A Leme 14.74
Samuel R Schmidt 1.34
Sandra K Ortale 11.39
Sandra M Gannon 3.35
Sandra M Von Sprecken 8.04
Sandra S Reed 3.35
Sano Yulonda E 2.68
Sarah A Lamb 11.39
Scheer Stephen A 5.36
Scott M Green 8.04
Sean Mcroberts 5.36
Sean Michael Davis 400.00
Sean V Towley 9.38
Secretary Of State 60.00
Selk Freda R 1.34
Shalae M Patrick 36.80
Sharon Falduto 0.67
Sharon K Butler 180.00
Sharon L Dolash 4.69
Sharon O Somers 10.05
Sheena M Alexander 0.67
Sheila Barron 18.76
Sheila D Whitlock 5.36
Sheila R Niemeyer 3.35
Shelby L Unkel 9.38
Shelter House Commun 38830.00
Shonda L Monette 19.38
Shultz Carolyn I 103.11
Sophia J Elgin 3.35
Sophie R Wilson 6.70
South Slope Coop Comm 1244.61
Southeast Iowa Land Sur 70.00
Spencer J Campbell 5.36
Srei Llc 750.00
Staples Advantage 662.30
State Chemical Soluti 1337.43
State Medical Examine 5894.07
Stephanie A Kassel 2.01
Stephen Edward Knight 1.34
Stephen P Merkel Hess 16.03
Stericycle 309.96
Stevan Nachazel 54.94
Steve R Kessler 5.36
Steven L Schlote 16.08
Steven L Woodward 20.05
Steven P Bayer 2.01
Storey Kenworthy Corp 3257.84
Streichers 840.00
Sunrise Village Llc 657.00
Susan Edwards 1.34
Susan K Samek 46.18
Susan M Kleppe 13.40
Suzann D Stockman 9.38
Suzanne Micheau 63.60
Suzanne S Treloar 6.70
Sydney R Saint 0.67
Tawnia Lynn Kakacek 6.70
Tegan Hauser 14.02
Terence J Coleman 2.68
Teresa A Larson 1.34
Teresa Ann Ozzello 3.35
Teresa J Kelly 181.52
Teresa K Meyer 8.04
Teresa K Winder 76.33
Teresa M Laroche 2.68
Teresa M Rouse 5.36
Terry Rasmussen 13.40
The James Theatre 250.00
The Lodge Apartments 1450.00
The News 1626.59
Theodore J Wilson 2.01
Therese Marie Guedon 1.34
Thomas Eugene Travis 20.72
Thomas J Anglin 4.02
Thomas James Moore 18.71
Thomas L Jordan 4.02
Thomas M Layden 2.68
Thompson Gwen R 0.67
Tina R Mccoy 5.36
Tms Inc 456.40
Todd A Evans 19.38
Todd H Beckman 8.04
Todd T Stewart 1.34
Tracy L Kueter 2.01
Tracy S Towley 2.68
United Action For You 9086.68
United States Postal 20000.00
University Of Iowa 8814.80
Us Cellular 103.64
Van Meter Industrial I 346.33
Vanhoozer Cynthia A 12.06
Vantage Point Llc 15000.00
Verizon Wireless 995.67
Virginia L Blair 0.67
Visa 899.04
Wai Yin Chan 2.68
Watson Richard G 5.36
Watts Group 800.00
Wayne C Campbell 9.38
Wellmark Blue Cross 181000.00
Wendling Quarries Inc 198.92
Wendy A Ford 2.01
Westwood Pharmacy 736.42
Widmer Tommy D 7.37
William Allen Kochneff 33.50
William L Caras 0.67
William L Milder 3.35
William M Benson 2.68
William M Pringle 5.36
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the minutes of the Formal Meeting of December 5, 2024.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve the payroll authorizations submitted by department heads and elected officials, as approved by a majority of the Supervisors.
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to receive and place on file the Treasurer’s Semi-annual Settlement of the Board of Supervisors for the period beginning January 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2024, as submitted by County Treasurer Scott Finlayson.
Convened Public Hearing at 5:33 p.m. on Zoning Application PZC-24-28581 of Casey Maxted & Matt Tobin, requesting rezoning of 38.27 acres from A-Agricultural to Ag-T-Agritourism. The property is located north of IWV Rd SW, west of its intersection with Hebl Ave SW, in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 11, Township 79 North, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M. in Union Township, Johnson County, Iowa.
Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) Planner Maya Simon reviewed the application. PDS Planner Joseph Wilensky and PDS Director Josh Busard provided additional information. County Residents Dennis Hebl, Tim Rogers, Kathy Neuzil Holton, Lisa Hebl, and Susanne Humphreys spoke against the application. Public Hearing closed at 5:51 p.m.
Board members deliberated on the application and PDS staff provided additional information.
Motion by Green, second by Sullivan, to lay the proposed ordinance associated with Zoning Application PZC-24-28581 on the table, which in effect denies the application. Board members sought clarification from legal counsel. Assistant County Attorney Lynn Rose said with the current motion language, the Board would need three votes for the motion to pass. Rose said alternatively, a Board member may make a motion to approve the application and if there is a second, the Board would vote on approval of the application, which would require three votes to pass. Green withdrew his motion and Sullivan withdrew his second.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the proposed ordinance associated with Zoning Application PZC-24-28581 on first consideration. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green-Douglass: Nay: Green, Sullivan; Absent: Porter. The vote resulted in a deadlock 2:2.
Convened Public Hearing at 6:18 p.m. on Zoning Application PZC-24-28597 of Dale & Edith Marlene Schrock, requesting rezoning of 1.75 acres from A-Agricultural to R-Residential. The property is located at 2760 520th St SW, approximately 1,250 ft west of James Ave SW, in the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 16, Township 78 North, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M. in Sharon Township, Johnson County, Iowa.
PDS Planner Joseph Wilensky reviewed the application. Scott Ritter of Hart-Frederick Consultants P.C. was present to answer questions. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 6:21 p.m.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz approve the proposed ordinance associated with Zoning Application PZC-24-28597. Point of information from Green, asking Fixmer-Oraiz if the motion to approve the application is on first consideration. Fixmer-Oraiz withdrew the motion.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to waive the requirement of three considerations before approving an ordinance amending the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance, Zoning Application PZC-24-28597. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; Absent: Porter.
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the proposed ordinance associated with Zoning Application PZC-24-28597 on first and second consideration. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; Absent: Porter.
Convened Public Hearing at 6:23 p.m. on Zoning Application PZC-24-28598 of Jeff Carew, requesting rezoning of 57.86 acres from A-Agricultural to R-Residential. The property is located at 2367 Highway 6 NW, south of the intersection with Greencastle Ave NW, in the NE 1/4 of Section 30, Township 80 North, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M. in Cleer Creek Township, Johnson County, Iowa.
PDS Planner Maya Simon reviewed the application. Scott Ritter of Hart-Frederick Consultants P.C. spoke about the applicant’s plans to conduct a traffic study with the Iowa Department of Transportation. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 6:26 p.m.
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to waive the requirement of three considerations before approving an ordinance amending the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance, Zoning Application PZC-24-28598. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; Absent: Porter.
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the proposed ordinance associated with Zoning Application PZC-24-28598 on first and second consideration. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Sullivan; Nay: Green-Douglass; Absent: Porter.
Convened Public Hearing at 6:29 p.m. on Zoning Application PZC-24-28599 of Mitch Olson, requesting rezoning of 1.84 acres from A-Agricultural to R-Residential. The property is located at 1621 Utah Ave NE, approximately 860 ft south of 160th St NE, in the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 21, Township 81 North, Range 5 West of the 5th P.M. in Cedar Township, Johnson County, Iowa.
PDS Planner Joseph Wilensky reviewed the application. Scott Ritter of Hart-Frederick Consultants P.C. was present to answer questions. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 6:31 p.m.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to waive the requirement of three considerations before approving an ordinance amending the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance, Zoning Application PZC-24-28599. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; Absent: Porter.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve the proposed ordinance associated with Zoning Application PZC-24-28599 on first and second consideration. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; Absent: Porter.
Convened Public Hearing at 6:31 p.m. on Zoning Application PZC-24-28600 of Austin & Elizabeth Miller, requesting rezoning of 1.43 acres from A-Agricultural to R-Residential. The property is located at 1470 520th St SW, approximately 1,800 ft east of Calkins Ave SW, in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 16, Township 78 North, Range 8 West of the 5th P.M. in Washington Township, Johnson County, Iowa.
PDS Planner Maya Simon reviewed the application. Scott Ritter of Hart-Frederick Consultants P.C. was present to answer questions. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 6:33 p.m.
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to waive the requirement of three considerations before approving an ordinance amending the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance, Zoning Application PZC-24-28600. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; Absent: Porter.
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the proposed ordinance associated with Zoning Application PZC-24-28600 on first and second consideration. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; Absent: Porter.
Convened Public Hearing at 6:34 p.m. on Subdivision Application PZC-24-28603 of Mark Kruse, requesting preliminary & final plat approval of JOCO 380 Business Park Addition. The property is located east of the intersections of Canyon Dr NW and Ders Dr NW with Andersen Ave NW, the SW 1/4 and the NW 1/4, all in Section 4, Township 81 North, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M. in Jefferson Township, Johnson County, Iowa.
PDS Planner Joseph Wilensky reviewed the application. Scott Ritter of Hart-Frederick Consultants P.C. was present to answer questions. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 6:37 p.m.
RESOLUTION NO. 12-12-24-01
Summary: Application PZC-24-28603 , the preliminary and final plat of JOCO 380 Business Park Addition, Johnson County, is submitted for approval. Board Action: Approved the plat, directed the plat and Subdivider’s Agreement be signed, and named the documents to be recorded. Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve Resolution No. 12-12-24-01, effective December 12, 2024.
Sullivan said due to a scrivener’s error concerning agenda language, the Board will skip agenda items 2.c. -Hold a public hearing on Subdivision Application PZC-24-28604 of Dale & Edith Marlene Schrock, requesting preliminary & final plat approval of Olson Place Subdivision. The property is located at 1621 Utah Ave NE, approximately 860 ft south of 160th St NE, in the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 21, Township 81 North, Range 5 West of the 5th P.M. in Cedar Township, Johnson County, Iowa and 2.d. consider resolution associated with Subdivision Application PZC-24-28604, approving the Preliminary and Final Plat and Subdivider’s Agreement of Olson Place Subdivision, Johnson County, Iowa.
Convened Public Hearing at 6:38 p.m. on Subdivision Application PZC-24-28607 of Paula Altmaier, requesting preliminary & final plat approval of Balestrini Subdivision. The property is located at 3689 540th St SW, approximately 2,300 ft east of Naples Ave SW, in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 20, Township 78 North, Range 6 West of the 5th P.M. in Liberty Township, Johnson County, Iowa
PDS Planner Maya Simon reviewed the application. Scott Ritter of Hart-Frederick Consultants P.C. was present to answer questions. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 6:40 p.m.
RESOLUTION NO. 12-12-24-02
Summary: Application PZC-24-28607, the preliminary and final plat of Balestrini Subdivision, Johnson County, is submitted for approval. Board Action: Approved the plat, directed the plat and Subdivider’s Agreement be signed, and named the documents to be recorded. Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve Resolution No. 12-12-24-02, effective December 12, 2024.
Convened Public Hearing at 6:41 p.m. on Subdivision Application PZC-24-28608 of JBL Holdings, LLC, requesting preliminary & final plat approval of Barnes Third Addition. The property is located on the west side of Dane Rd SW, approximately 1,200 ft south of Osage St SW, the E ½ of the NE 1/4 of Section 32, Township 79 North, Range 6 West of the 5th P.M. in West Lucas Township, Johnson County, Iowa.
PDS Planner Joseph Wilensky reviewed the application. John Marner of MMS Consultants, Inc., was present to answer questions. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 6:48 p.m.
RESOLUTION NO. 12-12-24-03
Summary: Application PZC-24-28608, the preliminary and final plat of Barnes Third Addition, Johnson County, is submitted for approval. Board Action: Approved the plat, directed the plat and Subdivider’s Agreement be signed, and named the documents to be recorded. Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve Resolution No. 12-12-24-03, effective December 12, 2024.
RESOLUTION NO. 12-12-24-04
Summary: The resolution authorizes the County to enter into the Series 2024A Loan Agreement with Hills Bank, Hills, for the issuance of a $3,800,000 General Obligation County Purpose Bond, Series 2024A. This loan will pay for the cost, to that extent, of funding a grant to the Housing Trust of Johnson County, as set forth in the resolution. The resolution contains the form of the bond and payment schedule. Board Action: Adopted the resolution entering into the Series 2024A Loan Agreement with Hills Bank, Hills, as purchaser (Purchaser), providing for a loan to the County in the principal amount of $3,800,000 for the purposes set forth in the resolution; authorized the Chairperson and Auditor to sign said loan; approved said Loan and directed Loan be executed; authorized issuance of Series 2024A Bond (Bond) in the principal amount of $3,800,000 and dated as of the date of its delivery to the Purchaser and shall be payable as to both principal and interest in the manner specified in the full text of the resolution; designated the Treasurer as Registrar and Paying Agent; set forth the form of the Bond, maturity date, table of principal installment payments, Registrar’s Certificate of Authentication, Abbreviations, and Assignment; approved execution of the Bond as soon after the adoption of this resolution as may be possible. For the purpose of providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax, ordered a tax levy on all taxable property in the County and set out the tax collection schedule; instructed the County Auditor to enter for collection and assess the tax as authorized; stated that the intention of the County that interest on the Series 2024A Bond be and remain excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to the appropriate provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Treasury Regulations in effect with respect thereto; designates the Series 2024A Bond as a “Qualified Tax Exempt Obligation” as that term is used in Section 265(b)(3)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code. Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve Resolution No. 12-12-24-04, effective December 12, 2024.
RESOLUTION NO. 12-12-24-05
Summary: The resolution authorizes the County to enter into a Series 202B and a Series 2024C Loan Agreements (Taxable Series 2024 Loan Agreement) with Hills Bank, Hills, for the issuance of a Taxable General Obligation County Purpose Bond, Series 2024B, in the principal amount of $10,580,000 (Series 2024B Bond) and a Taxable General Obligation County Purpose Bond, Series 2024C, in the principal amount of $3,420,000 (Series 2024C Bond) and, together named the Taxable Series 2024 Bonds. The loans will pay for the cost of funding County business as set forth in the full text of the resolution This resolution contains form of the Bond(s) and payment Schedule. Board Action: Adopted the resolution entering into the Taxable Series 2024 Loan Agreement with Hills Bank, Hills, as purchaser (Purchaser), providing for said loan to the County in the aggregate principal amount of $14,000,000 for purposes set forth in the full text of the resolution; authorized Chairperson and Auditor to sign said loan; approved said loan; designated the Treasurer as Registrar and Paying Agent; directed the Loan to be executed; authorized the issuance of Series 2024B Bond in the principal amount of $10,580,000 and the issuance of Series 2024C Bond in the principal amount of $3,420,000 and dated both Bonds as of the date of its delivery to the Purchaser and shall be payable as to both principal and interest in the manner specified in the full text of the resolution. Set forth the form of the Bond, outlined payment of principal of and interest on the Series 2024B Bond, table of principal installment payments on the Series 2024C Bond, maturity date, Registrar’s Certificate of Authentication, Abbreviations, and Assignment; approved execution of the Bond as soon after the adoption of this resolution as may be possible. For the purpose of providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax, ordered a tax levy on all taxable property in the County and set out the tax collection schedule; instructed the County Auditor to enter for collection and assess the tax as authorized; stated that the interest or principal and both of them falling due in any year or years shall, if necessary, be paid promptly from current funds on hand in advance of taxes levied and when the taxes shall have been collected, reimbursement shall be made to such current funds to the sum thus advanced. Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve Resolution No. 12-12-24-05, effective December 12, 2024.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve the Fiscal Year 2026 Intergovernmental Transfer of Public Funds Agreement between the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, Des Moines, and Johnson County Ambulance Service, for the transfer of funds regarding the Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Provider services provided by Johnson County.
RESOLUTION NO. 12-12-24-06
Summary: The Board is a member of the Urban Policy Board of the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Johnson County (MPO); and the MPO undertook several studies of various options for redevelopment of the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City railroad (CRANDIC or CRANDIC Road). These studies now completed, the municipalities served by the CRANDIC Road must determine how to proceed. Board Action: Stated the Board’s preferred path is to proceed by engaging with Pop-Up Metro, LLC. Authorized the Chairperson to transmit a copy of this Resolution to aforementioned municipalities and UI Health Care with a cover letter requesting each to express its preferred option by 28 February, 2025. Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve Resolution No. 12-12-24-06, effective December 12, 2024.
Adjourned at 6:57 p.m.
/s/ Rod Sullivan, Chair, Board of Supervisors
Attest: /s/ Julie Persons, Auditor
On the 19th day of December, 2024
Recorded by Auditor’s Office: Marly Melsh, Executive Clerk to the Board
These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on December 19, 2024.