Johnson County - Oct 31


Cost of this publiction: 206.64
Fiscal year to date cost
(as of 7/1/24): 7704.87
OCTOBER 31, 2024
Chairperson Sullivan called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Health and Human Services Boardroom at 9:07 a.m. Members present: V Fixmer-Oraiz*, Jon Green, Royceann Porter, and Rod Sullivan. Member Absent: Lisa Green-Douglass.
*Denotes electronic participation.
Unless otherwise noted, all actions were taken by the following vote: Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Porter, Sullivan; Absent: Green-Douglass.
PUBLIC COMMENT: No business.
Motion by Green, second by Porter, to approve the claims on the Auditor’s Claim Register for October 31, 2024. Roll call: Aye: Green, Porter, Sullivan. Absent: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green-Douglass.
4 Cs Community Coord 10471.68
A-1 Propane 153.85
Aaron Lynch 179.20
Abc Disposal Systems I 383.40
Abigail M Willging 21.44
Access Systems 42.64
Adi Kashef 700.00
Advanced Business Syste 60.90
Advanced Electrical S 1178.07
Aero Rental Inc 330.00
Aging Services Inc 1221.00
Ahmed Mohammad 49.00
Alexandria Manor Apts 715.00
Alyssa V Valenzuela 1.34
Amazon.Com Capital Se 1439.95
American Home Finding 1399.50
Angel E Poldberg 2.01
Ap Technology 628.07
Arabic Translating Ser 140.00
Arc Of Southeast Iowa 768.02
Arena Apartments 700.00
Arnold Motor Supply Llp 14.75
Axiom Consultants Llc 560.00
B&H Photo Video Pro A 1340.84
Best Buy Bus Adv Acct 3143.06
Big Brothers Big Sist 4521.55
Bike Library 7500.00
Blair Burdick 517.11
Bob Barker Company Inc 116.96
Bobby C Outterson-Murphy 1.34
Bound Tree Medical Ll 3939.79
Brighten Properties 1400.00
Brownells Inc 409.09
Cameron T Mcfadden 0.67
Carahsoft Technology 64722.26
Cdw Government Inc 1136.73
Certified Laboratories 229.86
Chadwick T Gerdes 50.00
Charlene M Elbert 8.71
Charles Heath 400.00
Chris Henze 179.20
City Of Coralville 58200.25
City Of Iowa City 16254.04
City Of Iowa City - U 2340.23
City Of Iowa City-Ac 71696.25
City Of Swisher Swi 10621.00
Cj Cooper & Associates 200.00
Collin J Case 54.27
Community Crisis Ser 22172.96
Community Foundation 5000.00
Consumers Cooperative 1852.75
Coralville Professiona 575.00
County Materials Corpo 396.00
Critical Hire 150.00
Cynthia L Doyle 3.35
Daida 2.60
Dan Lynch 400.00
Dash Medical Gloves L 1200.00
Dawn Alam 42.00
Debra Gaddis 33.50
Debra Ryan 700.00
Delta Dental Of Iowa 5213.47
Dennis G Visser 10.72
Dkc Real Estate Llc 700.00
Dylan M Metzger 11.39
East Central Iowa Co 34442.97
Eo Johnson Business Tec 43.73
Eric T Peterson 0.67
Eso Solutions Inc 42650.56
Ethan Turben-Fuhrman 117.00
Florian I Popp 10.05
Galls Llc 92.11
Gay & Ciha Funeral Ho 3000.00
Georgia B Page 2.68
Gerald Jones 700.00
Glenwood Phoenix Condo 850.00
Glock Professional Inc 300.00
Golden Properties Of I 700.00
Green Scott M 33.50
Grinnell Regional Medi 814.37
Hacap 23877.41
Hawkeye Weld & Repair I 38.88
Hayden M Rempfer 2.01
Heartland Shredding Inc 75.00
Heather A Clement 4.69
Henry N Arp 10.05
Holiday Mobile Home C 1540.00
Horizon Capital Invest 750.00
Hospers & Brother Prin 556.06
Hy-Vee #1080 100.00
Hy-Vee #1281 332.88
Imon Communications Ll 800.00
Ines Beltre 50.00
Iowa Department Of Tra 600.00
Iowa Law Enforcement A 900.00
Iowa Legal Aid 3224.00
Iowa One Call 27.00
Iowa Paper Inc 785.26
Iowa Police Chiefs Ass 120.00
Iowa Social Science R 3179.98
Iowa Valley Rc&D 9016.75
Irish Reporting Inc 101.75
J & Kp Llc 425.00
James P Lacina 117.00
Jamie Gade 35.00
Jeffrey M Gingerich 12.00
Joanne Downes 378.22
John Hanna 25.00
Johnson County Audito 7522.63
Johnson County Auditor 635.00
Johnson County Seats 13308.57
Johnson County Sheriff 636.46
Joint Emergency Communi 70.07
Jorge A Rivas Valle 637.22
Joseph B Wilensky 488.16
Joseph M Foley 42.21
Josh And Molly Gilroy 700.00
Joshua F Busard 4.69
Katharine B Thompson 7.37
Katherine Schutz 460.03
Kennedy Gelner Cronk 1008.00
Kirkwood Community Col 540.00
Kmb Management 680.00
Kmb Property Manageme 1280.00
Krista Burich 100.00
Lakewood Hills Holdin 2350.00
Laura J Dunlap 1.34
Laura Julier 700.00
Laura Sneller 65.00
Laurel Neuzil 400.00
Lemus Rentals Llc 400.00
Lensing Funeral Servi 3200.00
Letcher Drew O 40.20
Liberty Doors Inc 1100.00
Life Assist Inc 817.73
Lighting Maintenance 3415.26
Linde Gas & Equipment 117.43
Linn County Auditor 968.58
Linn County Rec 288.75
Linn County Sheriff 30873.80
Ljl Properties 560.00
M & A Properties 750.00
Madeline G Castings 6.70
Mandy Rose Coates 637.34
Mary C Mccarthy 6.70
Mary Cole 700.00
Mccomas Lacina Cons 433324.45
Mckesson Medical Surgi 518.07
Medline Industries Inc 738.00
Megan J Reese 12.06
Menards - Iowa City 532.19
Michael E Hull 4.69
Michael L Spangle 16.75
Mid American Energy 7900.94
Midwestone Bank 21750.77
Nancy A Olthoff 2.68
Nathan M Mueller 16.75
Newegg Business Inc 1143.74
Newman Abuissa 850.00
Nms Labs 564.00
North Liberty Commun 25157.00
Office Express Office 572.41
Old Capitol Group Llc 700.00
Online Solutions Llc 25500.00
Owen G Byl 6.03
Oxford Public Library 2927.00
Pamela K Yoder 5.36
Paul M Horning 16.08
Petty Cash Fund 8.41
Pigott Inc 1030.04
Pip Printing & Marke 30680.58
Pitney Bowes Inc 19.08
Premistar Iowa 7703.94
Psc Distribution 411.00
Pts Of America Llc 800.00
Pye Barker Fire & Safe 210.00
Quadient Inc 207.00
Quadient Leasing Usa I 447.00
Rangemasters Training 778.00
Rapids Reproductions In 95.30
Robert I Crawford 26.80
Robert Thul 49.00
Samuel R Schmidt 0.67
Seville Apartments 850.00
Sharon O Somers 16.08
Sherwin Williams #378 129.95
Solon Public Library 16042.75
Sophia J Elgin 4.02
Staples Advantage 1231.18
State Medical Examine 2047.00
State University Of Io 300.00
Stephen P Merkel Hess 2.68
Steve And Marcia Knebe 400.00
Steven L Schlote 13.40
Story County Sheriff’s 13.40
Streichers 820.99
Teleflex Llc 2400.00
The Lodge Apartments 1400.00
Thomas M Layden 0.67
Timothy James 65.00
Truck Country Of Iowa 153.04
Uihc Occupational Healt 24.00
United Action For Youth 30.00
United States Postal 20000.00
University Of Iowa 18594.58
University Of Iowa Hos 256.82
University Of Minnesot 500.00
Us Cellular 1255.90
Van Meter Industrial I 431.70
Verizon Wireless 268.29
Vernon Steve 700.00
Veronica Smith 80.00
Visiting Nurse Associ 1430.55
Walden Ridge Holding L 650.00
Wellmark Blue Cross 181000.00
West Liberty Telephon 1984.44
Western Hills Estates 800.00
Westgate Villa 2200.00
Whispering Garden Iha 1700.00
William J Blanchard 379.56
William M Pringle 21.44
Windstream It-Comm.Llc 623.41
Motion by Porter, second by Green, to approve the minutes of the Formal Meeting of October 24, 2024. Roll call: Aye: Green, Porter, Sullivan. Absent: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green-Douglass.
Fixmer-Oraiz arrived at 9:08 a.m.
Motion by Green, second by Porter, to approve the payroll authorizations submitted by department heads and elected officials, as approved by a majority of the Supervisors.
Motion by Green, second by Porter, to approve the application for alcohol license for Baxa’s Sutliff Store Tavern as contained in the agenda packet for this meeting
Convened Public Hearing at 9:11 a.m. on Fiscal Year 2025 County Budget Amendment. Finance Director Dana Aschenbrenner presented information on the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 County Budget Amendment. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 9:12 a.m.
Motion by Porter, second by Green, to approve the appointment of Melissa Blessing, DO, as Deputy Medical Examiner for a two-year term ending January 1, 2026.
Motion by Porter, second by Green, to approve the Design Services Agreement with Vantage Architects, Iowa City, for Fleet Shop Expansion in the amount of $66,400 plus reimbursable expenses.
Motion by Porter, second by Green, to approve the October 2024 Amendment to the Use and Identification Agreement for Winter Shelter at 340 Southgate Avenue, Iowa City, with Shelter House Community Shelter and Transition Services, Iowa City, to extend the period of licensed occupancy through November 15, 2024.
Motion by Green, second by Porter, to approve the following agreements with Abbe Health Inc., Iowa City, the Emergency Extension to the GuideLink Center Master Professional Services Agreement and the Emergency Extension to the GuideLink Center Lease Agreement “Appendix D” of the Master Professional Services Agreement, as contained in the agenda packet of the meeting.
Motion by Porter, second by Green, to approve the VITA/EITC 24-25 Subcontract between Johnson County Social Services and the Iowa Center for Economic Success, Des Moines, for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, in the amount of $13,467.
Motion by Green, second by Porter, to enter closed session at 9:19 a.m., pursuant to Iowa Code § 21.5(1)(c), to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Porter, Sullivan; Absent: Green-Douglass.
Recessed at 9:19 a.m.; reconvened at 9:24 a.m. with Fixmer-Oraiz absent.
Motion by Green, second by Porter, to leave the closed session at 9:37 a.m. Roll call: Aye: Green, Porter, Sullivan; Absent: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green-Douglass.
Adjourned at 9:38 a.m.
/s/ Rod Sullivan, Chair, Board of Supervisors
Attest: /s/ Erin Shane, Auditor
On the 7th day of November 2024
Recorded by Auditor’s Office: Marly Melsh, Executive Clerk to the Board
These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on November 7, 2024.

Published in The News, Thursday, November 14, 2024 L-336