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JANUARY 2, 2025
Resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors are only summarized in the published minutes; the full text may be inspected at the Office of the County Auditor, 913 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Mon. thru Fri., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and at
Chairperson Sullivan called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Health and Human Services Building Boardroom at 9:00 a.m. Members present: V Fixmer-Oraiz, Jon Green, Lisa Green-Douglass, Mandi Remington, and Rod Sullivan.
Unless otherwise noted, all actions were taken unanimously.
No one from the public spoke.
Motion by Remington, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to appoint Jon Green as Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors for a term ending December 31, 2025.
Motion by Green, second by Remington, to appoint V. Fixmer-Oraiz as Vice Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors for a term ending December 31, 2025. Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Remington, Sullivan; Nay: Green-Douglass.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Remington, to designate 2025 Board of Supervisors meeting days and times, and official County holidays, as contained in the agenda packet of this meeting, with the exception of changing the Floating Christmas Holiday date to Wednesday December 24, 2025. Sullivan said the Board is scheduled to discuss the floating Christmas holiday date during today’s Work Session meeting. Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green-Douglass, to amend the motion by striking the exception of changing the Floating Christmas Holiday date.
Determination of Contest for Third Official Newspaper, in accordance with Section 349.6 of Iowa Code
County Auditor Julie Persons outlined the process for selecting official newspapers for Johnson County, highlighting requirements from Iowa Code Chapters 349 and 618 and the rationale for this year’s contest, as outlined in the executive summary included in the meeting’s agenda packet. Assistant County Attorney Nathan Peters contributed further insights. On the direction of the Board, Persons opened the sealed envelopes from The Gazette and Iowa City Press Citizen. The Gazette reported 4,280 bona fide yearly subscribers living in Johnson County, while Iowa City Press Citizen confirmed 2,512. The Board considered the evidence.
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to determine The Gazette as the winner of the contest for the third official newspaper for Johnson County. Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to designate The Gazette, The News, and Solon Economist as 2025 official newspapers for Johnson County.
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the 2025 Board of Supervisors Committee, Board, and Liaison Assignments, including alternates, to various boards, committees, and commissions, as contained in the agenda packet of this meeting.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green-Douglass, to authorize the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson to sign letters of support, letters or certificates of appreciation, and letters of sympathy.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Green, to authorize, during 2025, when the Board of Supervisors has duly approved a contract, agreement, ordinance, resolution, conveyance, proclamation, fireworks permit, or other instrument constituting enact by the Board of Supervisors on behalf of Johnson County, the Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors, or the substitute presiding Chairperson in the event of the Chairperson’s absence or incapacity, is authorized and directed to execute such contract, agreement or other document so approved.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green-Douglass, to designate a Chairperson or, in the event of the Chairperson’s absence or incapacity, Vice Chairperson to authorize election recounts.
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to authorize the Board Office Grants Manager, Board Office Grants Specialist, Chairperson, or Vice Chairperson to sign grant applications.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green-Douglass, to authorize the County Engineer, on behalf of the Board, as agent to electronically sign Iowa Department of Transportation and United States Department of Transportation contract documents on behalf of Johnson County.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to authorize the Chairperson, Board Office Executive Director, and Social Services Director as signatory to the 2025 Community Foundation of Johnson County accounts for the Livable Community for Successful Aging Charitable Giving Fund and Endowment Fund.
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to authorize the Chairperson, Board Office Executive Director, and Veterans Affairs Director as signatory to the 2025 Community Foundation of Johnson County account for the Armory and Veterans Memorial Fund.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to authorize the Chairperson or, in the event of the Chairperson’s absence or incapacity, Vice Chairperson to issue Orders of Mandatory Evacuations and Mandatory Curfews in cases where the Governor of the State of Iowa has proclaimed a state of disaster emergency in and for any portion of unincorporated Johnson County.
RESOLUTION NO. 01-02-25-01
Summary: Counties that have adopted a construction evaluation resolution can submit a recommendation to, and contest the decision of, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for construction permit applications regarding proposed confinement feeding operation structures. Board Action: Agrees to evaluate these construction permit applications for proposed confinement feeding operation structures received between February 1, 2025 and January 31, 2026 and submit an adopted recommendation to the DNR; adopt the construction evaluation resolution pursuant to Iowa Code Section 459.304(3). Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve Resolution No. 01-02-25-01, effective January 2, 2025.
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the Title VI Non-Discrimination Agreement with Iowa Department of Transportation, as contained in the agenda packet of this meeting.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve the United States Department of Transportation Standard Title VI / Non-Discrimination Assurances DOT Order No. 1050.2A, as contained in the agenda packet of this meeting.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Green, to approve the 2025 Pre-Approved Proclamations list, as contained in the agenda packet of this meeting.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green-Douglass, to authorize the Chairperson or, in the event of the absence or incapacity of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson or Executive Director as available, to designate flag protocols for Johnson County buildings and grounds.
Adjourned at 9:29 a.m.
/s/ Jon Green, Chair, Board of Supervisors
Attest: /s/ Julie Persons, Auditor
On the 9th day of January, 2025
Recorded by Auditor’s Office: Marly Melsh, Executive Clerk to the Board
These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on January 9, 2025.
Published in The News, Thursday, January 16, 2025 L-205