Johnson County Dec. 5


Cost of this publiction: 257.69
Fiscal year to date cost
(as of 7/1/24): 9118.35
DECEMBER 5, 2024
Proclamations and resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors are only summarized in the published minutes; the full text may be inspected at the Office of the County Auditor, 913 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Mon. thru Fri., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and at
Chairperson Sullivan called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Health and Human Services Building Boardroom at 9:00 a.m. Members present: V Fixmer-Oraiz, Jon Green, Lisa Green-Douglass, Royceann Porter, and Rod Sullivan.
All actions were taken unanimously.
*Denotes electronic participation.
RESOLUTION NO. 12-05-24-01
Summary: Equal rights under the law and liberty for all is foundational to our nation and government. The Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [people] are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;”. The Iowa Civil Rights Act passed in 1965 and amended in 2007. Many Iowans are experiencing anger and fear due to several laws passed in Iowa in 2023 and 2024, including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA); Iowans are leaving our communities and the state due to the dangers of RFRA and other laws passed by Iowa lawmakers that send a message contrary to our state’s motto. Board Action: Commits to promoting a united vision where All Are Welcome in Johnson County and to being a discrimination-free community. Recognizes our responsibility to foster communities that actively work toward inclusivity, equity, and the protection of rights for all. Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve Resolution No. 12-05-24-01, effective December12, 2024. County Resident Mark Pries and Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Executive Director Connie Ryan spoke.
PROCLAMATION NO. 12-05-24-01
DECEMBER 10, 2024
Summary: December 10, 2024, marks the 76th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly. The principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights serve as a foundation for justice, equality, and dignity for individuals across the globe and remain a source of inspiration and guidance for communities and nations striving to uphold these ideals. Board Action: Proclaim Tuesday, December 10, 2024, as Human Rights Day in Johnson County. Call upon all residents to reflect on the importance of human rights, to act in their daily lives, and recommit to building a community where everyone enjoys freedom, justice, and peace. Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve Proclamation No. 12-05-24-01. Johnson County United Nations Association Board President Barbara Eckstein spoke.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Green, to approve the claims on the Auditor’s Claim Register for December 5, 2024.
2430 Muscatine Llc 700.00
2446 Llc 700.00
Abbe Center For Com 117320.25
Abbehealth Inc 88452.03
Adam W Gebhart 12.50
Advanced Business Syste 48.79
Advanced Correctional H 52.34
Advanced Electrical Se 175.00
Advancement Services 22345.57
Alburnet Community Sc 1384.29
Alliant Energy 109.82
Alphagraphics 347.00
Amanda Aird Kuhl 162.02
Amazon.Com Capital Se 1297.74
American Home Finding 1446.15
Anderson-Bogert Enginee 88.00
Arabic Translating Ser 140.00
Arc Of East Central I 6535.96
Arc Of Southeast Iowa 7768.25
Ashlie Ryane Lauer 528.96
At&T Mobility 41.27
Austin Mote 180.00
Axiom Consultants Llc 5670.50
B & D Services Inc 454.74
Ben Fiordelise 53.00
Benton County Sheriff 444.28
Big Brothers Big Sist 6995.40
Blaine W Opheim 850.00
Brehme Drug Inc 299.60
Bruce D Reynolds 71.26
Buchanan County Sheriff 16.59
Buchanan Housing Inc 400.00
Business Radio Sales An 46.29
Cameron Johnson 180.00
Caring Hands & More L 1814.42
Cdw Government Inc 122.70
Cedar Valley Communit 8750.00
Cedar Valley Mental H 4346.67
Central Iowa Detentio 1269.46
Central Iowa Distribut 978.00
Charles Heath 665.00
Charm-Tex Inc 63.80
Chi Penn Oaks Lllp 750.00
Chris Henze 150.00
City Laundering Co 172.86
City Of Iowa City 31861.54
City Of Iowa City - Ut 452.73
City Of Iowa City-Ac 46595.33
Cj Cooper & Associates 50.00
Clinton County Sheriff 16.08
Community Based Servi 3048.30
Community Crisis Se 106321.78
Consumers Cooperative 4857.82
Coralville Housing Gr 1857.00
Courtney Morgan 53.00
Cozy Corner Adult Day 638.30
Custom Hose & Supplies 445.08
Darrell E Davis Adult 1639.20
Dawn Alam 180.00
Deery Brothers Ford L 1518.43
Delta Dental Of Iowa 10011.74
Dennis La Grange Lisw 547.90
Derek E Johnson 61.53
Dillon Law 101.60
Dlouhy Law Pc 471.00
Dubuque County Sherif 5388.33
Eo Johnson Business Te 186.04
Eocene Environmental 18007.94
Families Inc 9581.25
Fidelity Security Lif 3823.60
First Judicial Distr 22102.90
First Resources Corp 7797.73
Foundation 2 247947.99
Gannett Iowa Localiq 3331.25
Gaslight Village Llc 525.00
Glaxo Smith Kline 5976.53
Goodwill Industries O 6961.71
Grainger 479.50
Greg Parker 166.16
Gregory J Downes 1700.00
Hacap 44775.31
Hands Up Communication 112.50
Hawthorne Apartments 22 25.00
Hayek Moreland Smith & 423.50
Heartland Business Sys 281.49
Heartland Shredding Inc 40.00
Hesper Nowatzki 25000.00
Hillcrest Family Servi 975.00
Holiday Mobile Home Co 370.00
Horizons A Family Serv 360.18
Hundred Acre Woods 1920.00
Hy-Vee #1281 35.00
Ihs Pharmacy 1556.75
Imagine The Possibil 22226.93
Immigrant Welcome Nt 22250.00
Imon Communications Ll 800.00
Inclusion Connection I 406.33
Institute Of Iowa Cert 560.00
Integrated Telehealt 15117.33
International Assoc O 1370.00
Iowa City Regency Mobi 475.00
Iowa Northland Region 4832.00
Iowa Valley Rc&D 9021.04
Isaca 150.00
J & Kp Llc 700.00
Jennifer Scott 337.92
Jmg Properties 1400.00
Joey Lande 180.00
John D Good 22.00
Johnson County Sherif 1946.22
Jones County Sheriff’s 448.58
Josh Rice 22.00
Julie Persons 118.09
Jz Orchard Holdings Ll 800.00
Kc Family Center 250.00
Kelly D Steele Attorne 850.00
Kimball Midwest 329.31
Kmb Property Manageme 1130.00
Lagrange Pharmacy Inc 683.12
Laurie Nash 208.18
Law Offices Of Jeffre 1740.80
Lemus Rentals Llc 400.00
Lenovo (United States) 700.00
Linder Tire Service Inc 99.66
Linn County Access Ce 2040.00
Linn County Sheriff 9643.22
Lionheart Early Learni 527.27
Little Angels Learnin 4688.00
Liz Ernst 38.00
Logan Nash 180.00
M68 Apartments 750.00
Mac Real Estate Llc 700.00
Mail Services Llc 1178.27
Martin R Gaffey 635.00
Mckesson Medical Surgi 233.64
Medical Associates Cl 2240.00
Menards - Iowa City 128.41
Mercy Psych Group/Merc 350.00
Mid American Energy 111.51
Midwest Wheel & Equipm 264.36
Midwestone Bank 24414.75
Mobil 1 Lube Express 86.42
Mph Industries Inc 946.95
Nami Of Johnson Count 5400.00
Nathan Savage 114.57
Nationwide Mutual Ins 7879.00
Neighborhood Centers 24931.61
Nelson & Toenjes Attor 190.00
Nichole Glick 170.18
Night Owl Support Syst 285.00
North Star Community 1732.82
Office Express Office 3510.20
Old Capitol Screen Prin 62.51
Optimae Lifeservices 8910.57
Options Of Linn Count 5937.23
Ottsen Oil Co 942.17
Pace Property Manageme 397.50
Penningroth Apts 475.00
Pepperball 186.00
Phelan Tucker Law Llp 562.40
Premistar Iowa 27945.26
Pride Group Inc 11291.98
Psc Distribution 83.45
Quadient Inc 315.00
Quality Home Repair Ll 600.00
R J Longmuir 431.10
Rapids Reproductions In 34.80
Rem Iowa Community S 26026.52
Rica Patel 1400.00
Rick Havel 12.50
Ricoh Usa Inc 183.31
Robert B Fischer Law F 330.75
Robert F Latta 550.00
Rural Employment Alte 5364.86
Ryan Gaughan 663.00
Ryan Roy Nesbit 900.00
Sarah Noll Wilson Inc 400.00
Schweitzer & Bajric 623.20
Sharon Telephone Compan 49.94
Sixth Judicial Distr 32198.95
Solon Public Library 16042.75
Southgate Property Man 800.00
Staples Advantage 1699.00
Star Equipment Ltd - 40206.09
Stericycle 35.35
Storey Kenworthy Corp 564.55
Successful Living 609.42
Switzer Counseling Ser 250.00
Symmetry Health Llc 674.02
Systems Unlimited Inc 1179.28
Tanager Place 14291.41
The Lodge Apartments 700.00
The Midnight Gem Llc 500.00
The Schneider Corpora 6183.00
To The Rescue 1809.88
Todd Saltzman 180.00
Towncrest Pharmacy 145.44
Tractor Supply Credit Pl 6.99
Travis Hicks 180.00
United Action For You 7226.55
Unlimited Services In 7950.96
Us Cellular 2167.14
Veterans Of Foreign Wa 300.00
Villa Garden Apartment 850.00
Wellmark Blue Cross 181000.00
Wendling Quarries Inc 177.27
Westwood Pharmacy 20.68
William A Lansing Pc 614.62
William J Curran/Emily 800.00
Windstream It-Comm.Llc 623.41
Wright House Of Fash 13216.66
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the minutes of the Formal Meeting of November 26, 2024.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve the payroll authorizations submitted by department heads and elected officials, as approved by a majority of the Supervisors.
Motion by Green, second by Porter, to approve the application for an alcohol license for Johnson County Agricultural Association, as contained in the agenda packet for this meeting, and including the associated application to update the ownership.
Convened Public Hearing at 9:26 a.m. on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, and probable cost for the Johnson County Courthouse Third Level Office Renovation Project.
Neumann Monson Architects Intern Architect Alyanna Subayno* reviewed the project plans, form of contract, the estimated cost, and timeline for the project. Board Office Special Projects Manager Melissa Robert and Facilities Director Dave Curtis provided additional information. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 9:30 a.m.
RESOLUTION NO. 12-05-24-02
Summary: The Board of Supervisors duly conducted a public hearing on December 5, 2024 concerning plans for the Johnson County Courthouse Third Level Office Renovation Project, located at 417 S Clinton, in Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa. Board Action: Resolved the plans, specifications, and form of contract, and estimated total cost of said project are approved. Solicited sealed bids and bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid amount for the project to be received by the Johnson County Auditor until 2:00 PM CST, January 9, 2025. Authorized the Auditor to publish the Notice to Bidders. Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve Resolution No. 12-05-24-02, effective December 12, 2024.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green, to approve Amendment No. 01 to the Professional Services Agreement with Streamline Architects, East Moline, IL, for the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm Kitchen Project, which increases the County’s total contract cost by $2,166.
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the job description for the new position of Johnson County Public Health (JCPH) Administrative Coordinator, as contained in the agenda packet, with one scrivener’s error correction adding “8” to the currently blank pay grade section in the job description, effective December 5, 2024.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Porter, to approve the job description for the new position of JCPH Clinical Services Coordinator, effective December 5, 2024.
Motion by Porter, second by Green, to approve the job description for the new position of JCPH Community Violence Intervention Outreach Worker, effective December 5, 2024.
Closed Session
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to enter into a closed session at 9:45 a.m. to discuss land acquisition/disposal pursuant to Iowa Code §21.5(1)(j): “To discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property.” Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Porter, Sullivan.
Recessed at 9:45 a.m.; reconvened at 9:50 a.m.
Motion by Green, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to leave the closed session at 10:34 a.m. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Porter, Sullivan.
Adjourned at 10:34 a.m.
/s/ Rod Sullivan, Chair, Board of Supervisors
Attest: /s/ Julie Persons, Auditor
On the 12th day of December, 2024
Recorded by Auditor’s Office: Marly Melsh, Executive Clerk to the Board
These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on December 12, 2024.

Published in The News, Thursday, December 19, 2024 L-419