By Emma Cole
The Highland FFA Chapter has been established for over seven years now with close to 40 members. The chapter has gained great knowledge over the years and as well gained a new advisor this past year, Miss Shayla Seils.
As of right now the chapter is working on preparing for their selected contests, which will take place on Feb. 12 at Van Buren for the Southeast District Sub Districts and give members a chance to move on to Districts.
From May to December our Highland FFA participated in the planting of our test plot, livestock judging, farm safety day, Agronomy contest, county fair, state fair, National FFA Convention, and our officers went to the Chapter Officer Leadership Training.
In the beginning of summer break in June, our newly elected officers went to the Chapter Officer Leadership Training. Here the officers learned how to become better leaders for their chapter, as well as were split up into their elected positions and got to hear from District Officers advice on how to be the best version of themselves in that position. Each officer was given the opportunity to learn more about their position and responsibilities, and what it means to represent their FFA Chapter.
This year Highland participated in two new competitions: Livestock Judging and Agronomy. During the month of June, a group of students and their advisor would come to the school three times a week and spend 1.5 hours working on each respective competition. Highland FFA placed top 15 in the state for Agronomy and 10th in Livestock Judging.
The Washington County Fair was in July, and was a great learning experience for all of our chapter members. This year we had kids showing cattle, equine, sheep, poultry, swine, and goats. Everyone’s hard work paid off as all placed top 10 in overall drives in their respective animal show.
The State Fair was held in August right before school started. Overall, all the kids seemed happy with how they did and were proud to have made it that far with their projects.
Nov. 1 - 4 students traveled to the National FFA Convention. They attended workshops and different sessions, walked through the career fair, and made new friends from other states. While there we helped with the Days of Service project, making sensory bottles for kids in hospitals.
Some things our fellow community members can look forward to these next couple months is the annual Meals for the Heartland activity the chapter does, where the chapter involves the whole school to help package meals and send them off to those in need. Farm Safety Day is a day where kids from our chapter take animals and tractors down to the local elementary school. In each rotation, the kids from each grade get to hear a little presentation by the high schoolers about each animal or piece of equipment. If there’s any time left in the rotation, the kids can ask questions, touch the animals, and see the equipment a little better.
Let’s wish all of our members good luck as they prepare for Subdistricts!