Highland Community School District
December 2024 Invoices
Activity Account
Amazon Capital Services, HS Student Council-Supplies & GBB Supplies $640.55
AndyMark Inc, Robotics-Supplies $62.30
David Annen, Basketball Official 11/19, 11/25, 12/3 $335.58
ASPi Solutions Inc, Bound Facility Management $400.00
Ryan Bobst, JVBBB-Official-12/3/24 $87.56
BSN Sports LLC, BBB-Travel Jackets & Pants $1,108.52
CustomInk LLC, Robotics-T-shirts $579.30
Rodney Deerberg, GBB-Official-11/26/24 $168.62
Elite Sports, GBB-Clothing Order, BBB Clothing Order, NHS Tshirts $2,301.05
Fairfield High School, XC-Entry Fees $90.00
Jerry Fannon, JH GBB-Official-11/18/24 $89.72
Fort Madison High School, G WR-Entry Fee $20.00
Fountain Of Flowers, HS Student Council-HOCO Flowers $113.00
Kim Hall, JH GBB-Official-11/18/24 $85.94
Spencer Hintz, VBBB & GBB-Official-12/3 $147.56
IGHSAU, GBB-Scoresheets $15.00
Iowa City Athletic Officials Association, Officials Assigning Fee $150.00
Iowa FFA Association, FFA-Membership Dues $1,026.00
Blair Klinefelter, JVGBB-Official-12/3 $87.56
Andrew Kloser, VBBB & GBB-Official- 12/3 $147.56
Bart Miller, GBB-Official-11/26/24 $170.78
MinnTex Citrus Inc, FFA-Fruit Sales $6,103.26
Pepsi-Cola, HS-Concessions $368.00
Bill Poch, JH GBB-Official-11/25 & JVGBB-Official- 12/12 $160.00
Lacey Ann Stransky, Reimb.-Costumes for State Dance $1,048.22
Tim Sullivan, JH GBB-Official-11/19/24 $84.32
Loren Truelson, GBB-Official-11/26/24 $188.60
Uline Inc, HS-Wellness Group Supplies $2,697.00
Hills Bank & Trust Co., FFA-Chapter T-Shirts, Community Meal Supplies, Robotics Supplies $941.78
Ted Wernimont, VBBB & GBB-Official-12/3/24 $151.88
Total $19,569.66
General Account
AAA Mechanical Contractors, INC., Boiler Repair $320.00
Ahlers & Cooney, P.C., Legal Services $27.00
Amazon Capital Services, HE-Library Books $586.07
Arnold Motor Supply, Transp. Supplies $382.19
ASPi Solutions Inc, Bound Facility Management $400.00
Aveanna Home Health, SpEd Lvl 3-Nursing Services-Oct. $7,023.98
Fidelity Security Life, Vision Insurance Premium $596.96
Business Radio Sales & Service Inc, Bus 23-1 Camera Repair $147.00
Colbert Lawn Care, Mowing $1,937.50
Crisis Prevention Institute Inc, Reframing Behavior Training $5,000.00
Jessica Day, Refund for Found Key $5.00
Delta Dental of Iowa, Dental Insurance Premium $3,699.72
Eastern Iowa Light & Power, HS-Electric $5,817.20
Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank, HE- Postage Money $100.00
Ferrellgas LP, LP-Gas $12,976.14
Great Prairie AEA, 1st Half-Shared Librarian $11,000.00
Highland Community Schools, Health Insurance Premium $7,578.67
Highland Insurance Account, Unreimbursed Medical $1,906.67
The Home Depot Pro, Custodial Supplies $4,587.85
Hy-Vee, INC., HE-PS Snacks $79.40
Ion Environmental Solutions, Water & Wastewater Serv. $800.00
Iowa Assoc. School Business Off., ISBI New SBO Bdgt Training-2025 $150.00
Jayme Kallaus, Reimb-Science Standards Mtg Travel Expense $518.93
Kalona Cooperative Technology Company, District Phone Service $1,198.31
Williamsburg Tire & Service, Bus 19-9-Tire Repair $176.02
Kirkwood Community College, On-Site 28E Classes $90,615.40
Louisa County Sheriff, Garnishment Ded Payable $115.89
Madison National Life, LTD Insurance Premium $633.49
Andrew M McDonald, Elementary Accompanist $75.00
Menards, Maint.-Supplies $202.34
Mid-American Energy, HE-Natural Gas $850.15
Music Theatre International, Royalties for Spring Musical $1,160.00
One Source, Background checks $303.50
J.W. Pepper & Son INC., Vocal Music-Supplies $53.29
Prairie Farms Dairy Inc, PS/K-Snack Milk $179.58
Pyramid Services Inc, Snow Blower Parts $91.69
City of Riverside, HE-Water & Sewer $549.92
Denise A Roth, Elementary Accompanist $150.00
SEIBA, SEIBA Honor Band Registration Fee $10.00
Smith Sanitation Services, Dec. Pickup $1,039.50
Standard Pest Control, Monthly Service-Dec. $100.00
Staples Business Credit, CO-Filing Cabinets $149.98
Stewart & Sons Ltd, Diesel $4,287.60
Specialty Underwriters LLC, Break Fix Ins. Prem. $17,536.25
The News, Legal Publications $209.11
The Water Shop Inc, HS-Water Softener Salt $555.65
Hills Bank & Trust Co., School Board Conv. $1,802.20
WCDC, Inc., Confidential Shredding $50.00
Wellmark Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Health Insurance Premium $66,294.32
West Music Co, Band-Instrument Repair $215.49
Total $254,244.96
Advantage Administrators, Flex Benefits $1,906.67
Eagle Ridge Corporate Services Inc, Claims Paid $15,097.21
Wellmark Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Add. Ins Premium $280.00
Total $17,283.88
Nutrition Account
Amazon Capital Services, Kitchen Supplies $187.46
Ekon-O-Pac LLC, Diswasher Supplies $408.00
EMS Detergent Services, Dishwasher Supplies $217.00
Highland Community Schools, Snack Milk $50.00
Highland Lunch Fund, Lunch P/R $14,984.80
Martin Brothers Distributing Co Inc, Food $9,575.76
Prairie Farms Dairy Inc, Milk $2,326.12
Total $27,749.14
Payroll Account
Empower Retirement, ax Sheltered Annuities $2,817.00
Equitable, Tax Sheltered Annuities $300.00
Horace Mann, Tax Sheltered Annuities $625.00
Internal Revenue Service, Federal Income Tax $83,614.86
IPERS, IPERS $60,951.62
Treasurer, St Of Ia, State Income Tax $11,033.00
VOYA Tax Sheltered Annuities $700.00
Total $160,041.48
Schoolhouse Account
OPN Architects, INC., Facility Master Plan Architect Services $2,363.90
UMB Bank N.A., Interest on GO Bond $24,900.00
Total $27,263.90
Total of Funds $506,153.02
Published in The News, Thursday, January 23, 2025 L-130