City of Wellman Jan. 6, 2025


January 6, 2025
Wellman, Iowa

The Wellman City Council met in regular session in the Wellman City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 pm. Mayor Ryan Miller presided with City Clerk and the following Council Members: Angela Stutzman, Fern Bontrager, Aaron Fleming, Nathan Klostermann & Shannon McCain. The Consent Agenda was approved by Bontrager, seconded by McCain and all voted ayes. The consent agenda includes the agenda, minutes from the previous meeting, Approval of Annual Appointments and the following:
Jonathan J Adam $108.05
Carrie R Geno $1,150.42
Gabrielle M Geno $99.73
Melissa J Fleming $415.31
Megan E Harris $381.15
Fern J Bontrager $193.74
Aaron M Fleming $193.74
Nathan J Klostermann $193.93
Shannon K McCain $161.45
Ryan J Miller $276.78
Angela D Stutzman $193.74
Beth A VanWinkle $1,798.64
Betty J Johnston $106.47
Timothy J Garrett $2,486.49
Travis D Hartley $1,558.05
Rex A Peck $1,446.96
Josh S VanWinkle $1,463.77
Eli M Conrad $24.24
Debra S Hill $588.11
Landon P Humble $31.52
Deana K Nolan $402.46
Damayanti Banuelos Ortega $43.63
Shirley Y Brown $279.24
Anita J Kanagy $797.62
Kelly L Litwiller $2,397.33
Cynthia S Thrapp $1,392.24
Fed Taxes $5,400.80
State Taxes $1,690.00
IPERS $7,556.91
BC/BS $8,617.74
AFLAC $216.44
Jonathan J Adam $52.64
Carrie R Geno $1,157.52
Gabrielle M Geno $99.73
Melissa J Fleming $415.31
Megan E Harris $381.15
Beth A VanWinkle $1,859.70
Betty J Johnston $154.40
Timothy J Garrett $2,546.15
Travis D Hartley $1,695.16
Rex A Peck $1,459.46
Josh S VanWinkle $1,478.31
Debra S Hill $741.10
Landon P Humble $191.51
Deana K Nolan $609.99
Damayanti Banuelos Ortega $29.09
Shirley Y Brown $205.91
Cynthia P Gassmann $72.64
Anita J Kanagy $721.57
Kelly L Litwiller $2,445.21
Cynthia S Thrapp $2,031.48
Fed Taxes $5,436.15
Beth VanWinkle-City Clerk, Sept-Dec. Petty Cash $30.20
Cynthia S Thrapp, December Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Cox Sanitation & Recycling, December Large Stickers/Recycling $4,840.00
Josh VanWinkle, December Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Kelly Litwiller, December Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Merlin J Hernandez,December Banquet Hall Cleaning $350.00
William D Nickell, January Yard Waste $175.00
Paws & More December City Contribution/Customer Donation $658.67
Rex Peck, December Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Treasurer State of Iowa, December Gas Use Taxes $41.00
Shirley Brown, December Goodwin Center Food Reimbursement $114.14
Standard Pest Control, January Pest Control/Mice Control $260.00
Timothy Garrett, December Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Travis Hartley, December Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Treasurer State of Iowa, December Sales/Water Excise Taxes $4,051.15
Todd Troyer, December Building Permit $35.00
Beth VanWinkle, December Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Wellman Emporium Assoc., Goodwin Center January Condo Fee $136.54
Alliant Energy, City Utilities $10,530.79
Badger Meter, December Fees $252.00
Calhoun-Burns & Associates 9th Ave. Bridge Project $1,598.25
Central Iowa Distributing, City Hall Cleaning Supplies $191.00
Dakota Supply Group, Water Supplies $1,911.00
Dearborn National, Premiums $153.77
Elliot Bulk Services, City Equipment Gasoline/Fuel $1,241.16
EO Johnson Business Technologies, City Hall B/W & Color Copies $261.40
Garden & Associates, Water Improvements/WRWA Connection/Utility Mapping $4,471.00
Gingerich Well & Pump, Water Supplies $50.19
Hawkins, Inc., WTP Chemicals $4,002.90
Hi-Line Water/Shop Supplies $207.92
Impressions Computers, Outlook/Microsoft Service Calls $593.75
IAMU, Energizers $151.68
Kohl Wholesale, Goodwin Center Food/Skate Merchandise for Resale $1,397.88
Leaf, City Hall Copier Lease $108.19
Lynch Dallas, Attorney Fees $576.50
Mahaska Bottling Co., Skate Pop for Resale $370.10
Storey/Kenworthy, Tax Forms $138.81
MSA, Veteran’s Memorial Park Project $2,051.00
Stutzman Lawn Care, Leaf Pick-up & Nuisance Property Mowing/Trimming $4,307.50
The Appliance Barn, Goodwin Center Dryer Service Call $318.66
The News, City Minutes/Public Notices $433.45
Thrapp Electric, Parkside Ceiling Lights $380.60
USDA, January Parkside Payment $2,532.00
Visa, City Hall Credit Card $539.86
Wash. Community YMCA, November/December Utilities & Staffing $1,476.10
Wash. Co. Environmental Health, 2025 Skate Rink Food License Renewal $150.00
Wellman Co-op Telephone, Telephones $1,150.18
TOTAL $118,180.22
No one spoke in public forum.
Resolution No. 25-01 A resolution to establish The News as an official publishing newspaper was introduced and caused it to be read. Fleming moved to approve Resolution No. 25-01, Klostermann seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 25-02 A resolution to set mileage reimbursement to employees using their personal vehicles for city business was introduced and caused it to be read. Bontrager moved to approve Resolution No. 25-02, Stutzman seconded and upon a roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 25-03 A resolution to approve City Employees and/or Elected Officials access to Federation Bank public funds accounts was introduced and caused to be read. Klostermann moved to approve Resolution No. 25-03, Stutzman seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 25-04 A resolution to approve City Employees and/or Elected Officials access to Hills Bank public funds accounts was introduced and caused to be read. Klostermann moved to approve Resolution No. 25-04, Fleming seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 25-05 A resolution authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connection with the sale of General Obligation Bridge Improvement Bonds, Series 2025A was introduced and caused to be read. McCain moved to approve Resolution No. 25-05, Bontrager seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Heidi Kuhl with Northland Securities was present for review of Finance Plan and answer questions from council.
McCain made a motion to approve The Bridge Agreement with Calhoun-Burns & Associates, Inc., Fleming seconded and all voted ayes.
With no further business to be discussed Stutzman moved for adjournment at 5:59pm, McCain seconded and all voted ayes. The next regular City Council Meeting will be held on Monday, January 20, 2024, at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers of the Wellman Municipal Building.

Minutes transcribed by the City Clerk are subject to Council Approval.

Published in The News, Thursday, January 16, 2025 L-187