City of Wellman


July 15, 2024
Wellman, Iowa
The Wellman City Council met in regular session in the Wellman City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 pm. Mayor Ryan Miller presided with City Clerk and the following Council Members: Angela Stutzman, Shannon McCain, Fern Bontrager, Aaron Fleming & Nathan Klostermann. The Consent Agenda was approved by Bontrager, seconded by Fleming and all voted ayes with Stutzman abstaining from Stutzman Lawn Care invoices. The consent agenda includes the agenda, minutes from previous meeting and the following:
7/8 Payroll
Jonathan J Adam $99.73
Carrie R Geno $1,120.25
Laurelin E Geno $126.98
Melissa J Fleming $408.42
Megan E Harris $363.94
Beth A VanWinkle $1,827.44
Betty J Johnston $126.96
Timothy J Garrett $2,426.42
Travis D Hartley $1,625.54
Rex A Peck $1,421.44
Josh S VanWinkle $1,435.95
Debra S Hill $671.36
Brock Lowenberg $50.91
Deana K Nolan $190.36
Shirley Y Brown $280.60
Anita J Kanagy $810.42
Kelly L Litwiller $2,334.20
Cynthia S Thrapp $1,958.57
Fed Taxes $3,573.98
Alliant Energy, City Utilities $9,079.39
Amazon, Library Supplies $367.38
Badger Meter, June Beacon Fixed Network $214.15
Baker & Taylor Books, Library Books $748.77
Clayton Energy, June Gas Purchase $1,767.39
Cobb Oil, City Equipment Gasoline $1,529.58
Cox Sanitation & Recycling, Large Trash Bags & Tags $850.00
Dakota Supply Group, Water Meter Pits/Supplies $13,761.90
Delta Industries, Inc., WWTP Shaft Seal Kit $1,439.04
Eastern IA Light & Power, Lift Station $180.44
Eldon C Stutsman, Buccaneer x2 $147.47
EO Johnson Business Technologies, B/W & Color Copies $381.90
Fikes Renovations, WWTP UV Lights $135.00
Freeman Foods, Skate Merch for resale/Goodwin Center Supplies $389.06
Freeman Foods-Sr. Dining Acct., Goodwin Center Food $394.21
Gingerich Well & Pump, 2nd St/Fir Ave Water Repair Supplies $1,109.01
Hardman Painting, Parkside Gym Painting $6,430.00
Hi-Line, Shop Supplies $510.65
Iowa DNR, FY25 Water Supply Fee $167.21
ION Environmental Solutions, WTP/WWTP Labs $458.00
IAMU, June Energizers $151.68
JFH Welding & Fabrications, Water Shutoffs/Salt Spreader Dolly/Grill Metal Top $1,379.00
Johnson Controls, Parkside Service Call $690.00
Josh S VanWinkle, FY24 Clothing Allowance $250.00
KCTC, Monthly Fees $298.98
Kohl Wholesale, Goodwin Center Food $1,507.86
Level Edge Lawn Care, June Mowing/Trimming $3,000.00
Megan E Harris, Library Supplies/Books Reimbursement $14.62
Office Express, Office Supplies $83.01
Pefa, Inc., June Gas Purchase $938.40
Shive-Hattery, Splashpad Project $1,202.70
Stutzman Lawn Care North Park Leaf Pick-up/Nuisance Properties Clean up $667.50
USDA, July Parkside Payment $2,532.00
USFirst Portable Toilets, South Park Porta Potty $61.00
Visa, July Library/Skate Credit Card Payments $82.26
Washington County Recorder, Fence Filings $24.00
Wellman Auto Parts, Streets Supplies $37.18
Wellman Co-op Telephone, City Telephones $1,215.12
Wellman Post Office, Library PO Box Renewal $120.00
Yotty’s , Water Supplies $128.89
Total $75,298.22
No one spoke in public forum.
Ellis was not present for the sheriff’s update.
A public hearing to receive comments on proposed conveyance of right of way easement to Wapello Rural Water Association, Inc. was opened by McCain, seconded by Stutzman and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes. There were no oral or written comments. Fleming made a motion to close the public hearing, Bontrager seconded and all voted ayes.
Resolution No. 24-28 A resolution authorizing conveyance of Right of Way Easement (No. 276-06 to Wapello Rural Water Association, Inc. was introduced and caused to be read. McCain moved to approve Resolution No. 24-28, Klostermann seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-29 A resolution amending salaries set for employees of the city of Wellman for FY25 was introduced and caused to be read. Bontrager moved to approve Resolution No. 24-29, Fleming seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-30 A resolution approving the City of Wellman Street Finance Report for FY24 was introduced and caused to be read. Klostermann moved to approve Resolution No. 24-30, Fleming seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-31 A resolution to waive the right to review the plat of survey for PR Schrock was introduced and caused to be read. Bontrager moved to approve Resolution No. 24-31, Stutzman seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Klostermann made a motion to approve the Outstanding Debt Obligation Report, Stutzman seconded and all voted ayes.
Klostermann made a motion to approve Gronewold, Bell, Kyhnn & Co. PC Agreement (FY24 Audit), Fleming seconded and all voted ayes.
Fleming made a motion to approve Utility Billing Process (Changing Billing Due Date to the 28th of month), Klostermann seconded and all voted ayes.
Discussion on driveway located at 1717 6th Ave. N. was had. David Boshart, the homeowner, was present for the discussion. Boshart described to the council what was going on with his driveway and property. The council discussed whether this was a city issue or not and tabled it until further investigation could be done.
With no further business to discuss McCain moved for adjournment at 6:25pm, Fleming seconded and all voted ayes. The next regular City Council Meeting will be Monday, August 5, 2024, at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers of the Wellman Municipal Building.

Minutes transcribed by the City Clerk are subject to Council Approval.

Published in The News, Thursday, July 25, 2024 L-154