City of Lone Tree - December


city of lone tree
December 02, 2024

Mayor Spilman called to order at 5:30 PM the regular meeting of the Lone Tree City Council at Lone Tree City Hall with Hamm, Ford, Zadow, Goedken and Gluba present. Gluba, Zadow motioned to approve the agenda as presented. CARRIED 5-0. Zadow, Ford motioned to approve the consent agenda (minutes, reports, bills, etc). CARRIED 5-0. Water samples were read from 302 N DeVoe and 122 Wapsi Ave both reported safe and filed.
Ford, Zadow motioned to suspend the rules and read Ordinance 2024-1 by title only. CARRIED 4-1, Goedken opposed.
Hamm, Zadow motioned to approve 2nd reading of Ordinance 2024-1 an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Lone Tree, Iowa, by amending provisions pertaining to adding special school speed zone limit. CARRIED 5-0.
Zadow, Hamm motioned to approve Resolution 2024-U designating The News as City of Lone Tree’s official newspaper in 2025. CARRIED 5-0.
Zadow, Ford motioned to adjourn at 5:45 PM. CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Spilman called to order work session at 5:45 PM.
Clerk went through budget timeline, discussing dates for April meetings. Overview of current budget for new members. Discussed possible road work projects for FY25-26. Clerk will reach out to Hart-Fredrick to get started on quoting.
Zadow, Ford motioned to adjourn work session at 6:14 PM. CARRIED 5-0.

BANYON DATA SYSTEMS $1,680.00, fund & payroll support
DIANE FELLOWS $11.98, reimbursement/sr dining food supplies
ELAINIA AMUNDSON $4.29, reimbursement/sr dining food supplies
FAREWAY MEAT & GROCERY $509.50, food supplies
HOLIDAY INN $118.72, clerk conference hotel
ION ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS $6,600.00, WWTF & water plant management
IOWA ONE CALL $3.60, locates
IOWA PRISON INDUSTRIES $233.64, speed signs
IOWA RUAL WATER ASSOCIATION $355.00, 2025 membership dues
JOHNSON CO SHERIFF’S OFFICE $5,971.33, police contract
JOHNSON COUNTY EXTENSION $45.00, commercial pesticide applicators con ed
JOHNSON COUNTY REFUSE INC $9,328.50, refuse contract
LONE TREE TIRE & SERVICE $821.44, tires
MENARDS $347.63, supplies
PERFORMANCE FOODSERVICE $1,552.38, food supplies/sr dining
PETSEL TRUCKING LLC $255.00, batwing mower rental
STANDARD PEST CONTROL $35.00, spray com bldg & city hall
STEPHANIE DAUTREMONT $190.28, mileage clerk conference 10-17-24
THE NEWS $85.49, legals
VEENSTRA & KIMM, INC $133.50, WWTF engineering expenses
WINDSTREAM $234.48, water plant phone & WWTF internet & phone
PERSONALIZED STAMPED ENVELOPES $427.25, stamped envelopes
POSTMASTER $317.52, utility bill postage
DOLLAR GENERAL $217.44, food supplies /sr dining
MID WEST ONE BANK $671.00, interest payment/GO refuding bond
US CELLULAR $73.76, public works cell phones
VISA $341.38, office supplies & Bud’s-food supplies/sr dining
WINDSTREAM ENTERPRISE $42.25 city hall phone
ALLIANT ENERGY $7,931.22, street lights & electrical
DELTA DENTAL OF IOWA $149.46, employee premium
EASTERN IOWA LIGHT & POWER $210.64, street light & lift station electrical
WELLMARK $6,385.35, employee premium
WINDSTREAM $278.49, com bldg phone & city hall/shop internet & lift station phone
IA DEPT OF REVENUE $1,123.85, water excise tax
IPERS $2,250.83, IPERS payment
IRS $2,520.51, FICA payment
NOVEMBER PAYROLL $11750.90, all employees

GENERAL FUND $21,022.91 $26,026.85
ROAD USE TAX $16,179.28 $7,649.50
LOST $35,382.98 $0
TIF $1,960.53 $0
WATER FUND $8,188.14 $9,945.74
SEWER FUND $13,127.30 $10,768.02
SEWER REVENUE $7,498.07 $0
REFUSE FUND $7,303.76 $9,268.50
TRUST & AGENCY $100.00 $0
DEBT SERVICE $31.76 $671.00
TOTALS $110,794.73 $64,329.61
Cash On Hand $3,226,469.90
Sav Cert $298,564.63


Submitted for publication 12-03-2024

Published in The News, Thursday, December 5, 2024 L-110