City of Kalona Nov 18


November 18, 2024 7:00 PM

Regular meeting of the Kalona City Council with Mayor Robe presiding. Motion was made by Spitzer, and seconded by Bender, to approve the agenda.
Council members present: Bender, J Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim. G Schmidt was absent.
Motion was made by J Schmidt and seconded by Spitzer approving the meeting’s minutes on November 4, 2024. With all voting yes, the minutes were approved and published.
On a motion by Beisheim and seconded by J Schmidt, the following bills were allowed with all voting yes. (See below list of bills)

A Tech/Freeman Alarm, Library Board 156.00
Access Systems, Monthly 79.10
Acco, Pool Winterization/Water Chemicals/Part 3,045.32
Aero Rental, Power Rake 726.00
Amazon, Library Board 285.29
Barco Municipal Products, Signage 490.27
BB Community Leasing Service, Lease Payments 39,552.09
Blake Hershberger Enterprises, Rock Hauling 1,265.00
Center Point Large Print, Library Board 49.14
Central Iowa Distributing, Restroom Supplies 416.00
City of Kalona, Library Board 35.32
City of Kalona, General transfer to Water-ACH 18,894.57
CJ Moyna & Sons, Pay App#5-Vista Park Project 125,359.26
Communication Network, Bakery Taxes 437.00
Delta Dental, Vision Insurance 78.16
Delta Dental, Dental Insurance 722.96
DNS, Fuel 81.28
Eastern Iowa Light & Power, Street Lighting 32.25
Electrical Distributor, Park Shelters/Shop Electrical Parts 1,846.07
Elite Fire Sprinkler Systems, Library Board 280.00
Eocene Environmental Group, LOST-10 Year Comp Plan 2,694.00
Gambles, Supplies/Tools 316.91
Gingerich Tiling, Storm Sewer Supplies 155.06
Golden Delight Bakery, Streets 47.35
Hills Bank and Trust, Storm Sewer Bond Interest 2,733.75
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Payroll Taxes) 2,517.84
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Budget) 6,649.87
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Sewer (Budget) 12,972.43
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Payroll) 5,617.05
Ideal Ready Mix, Concrete-802 D Ave 847.50
Ingram Library Services, Library Board 1,342.55
Iowa Finance Authority, Sewer Bond Interest 6,492.50
Iowa Rural Water Association. Annual Dues - 2025 405.00
Jackie Etheredge, Library Board 1,050.00
Kalona Auto Parts, Parts/Supplies 219.94
Kalona Brewery Company, ABD License Refund 89.38
Kalona Builders Supply, Supplies 367.58
Kalona Graphics, Office Supplies 58.36
Kalona Library Foundation, Library Board/WCR-Library Teen Area 2,252.21
Kalona Machine & Fab, Park Shelter Poles 1,430.83
Kalona Optimist Club, Annual Membership/Friend of Optimist 215.00
Kalona Tire, Repairs 2,871.95
Konica Minolta, Library Board 30.12
Kuenster Heating & Air, Water Plant Parts 209.52
L.L. Pelling, Hotmix 297.79
Menards, Supplies 10.98
Nicholas Hull, CDL Permit Reimbursement 13.50
Office Express, Library Board 224.35
Postal Products Unlimited, Harvest Hill Mailbox 2,410.00
Principal Life Insurance, Life Insurance 412.08
Reliable Tire & Service, Tire Repair 19.26
Reserve Account Pitney Bowes, Postage 307.00
River Products Company, Rock 876.14
Shawna Seiren, Sewer Backup Reimbursement 228.43
State Hygienic Laboratory, Lab Testing 954.00
Team Laboratory, Weed Killer 6,600.00
UMB Bank, Annual Bond Fee - Rec Center Bond 600.00
University of Iowa Health Care, Doctor Visit Coverage-Redlinger 489.39
USA Blue Book, Water Testing Supplies 1,662.85
Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Health Insurance 9,145.85
Yotty’s Library Board 32.97

Transfer funds $ 27,757.19
General Fund 32,767.70
Washington Co. Riverboat Fd 2,741.83
Library Memorial Fund 1,586.21
Library Board Fund 3,427.05
Local Option Sales Tax Fund 42,836.02
Storm Sewer Fund 4,208.81
Road Use Fund 4,940.85
Trust & Agency Fund 3,855.15
Debt Service Fund 600.00
Capital Projects Fund 125,359.26
Water Fund 6,649.87
Sewer Fund 12,972.43
Sewer Bond – EFT (Interest) 6,190.00
Transfer Funds $ 51,890.10
General Fund 64,948.90
Library Memorial Fund 2,350.00
Library Board Fund 163.05
Garbage Fund 16,526.22
Storm Sewer Fund 3,705.44
Trust & Agency Fund 6,007.56
Tax Increment Finance Fund 10,317.69
Debt Service Fund 3,054.18
Water Fund 17,371.80
Sewer Fund 19,186.73

Public Form:
1) Chad Ellis with Washington County Sheriff’s Office was present to share calls for service and general discussion.
Resolution No. 2024-JJ, a resolution to approve street closure from 6th Street and C Avenue intersection 116ft West on C Avenue for Christmas in Kalona. Motion was made by Bender, and seconded by Spitzer, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. The council was then polled with Bender, J Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim all voting yes. G Schmidt was absent. The motion carried.
Approval of Pay App #5 for CJ Moyna & Sons LLC in the amount of $125,359.26 for the Vista Park Project. Motion was made by Beisheim, and seconded by J Schmidt, with all voting yes. The motion carried.
Ordinance No. 2024-358, an ordinance amending the code of ordinances by adding stop signs at certain intersections in city limits. Under Chapter 65.02 the following intersections with Stop signs will be added:
Intersection of Nutmeg and Vista Drive for East Bound Traffic.
Intersection of Westwood Circle and Vista Drive for North Bound Traffic.
Motion was made by J Schmidt and seconded by Bender to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called the following named council members voted: Bender, Spitzer, J Schmidt, and Beisheim, each voting yes.
G Schmidt was absent.
Whereupon, the mayor declared the motion duly carried.
The council reviewed the 2023-2024 annual Urban Renewal Report (TIF). Motion was made by Spitzer and seconded by Bender, approving the report. With all voting yes, the motion carried.
The council reviewed the 2023-2024 Annual Finance Report (AFR). Motion was made by Bender and seconded by Spitzer, approving the report. With all voting yes, the motion carried.
Resolution 2024-LL, a resolution approving the 2025-2026 Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Certification. The amount being certified to Washington County for that budget year will be $304,857.63. Motion was made by Spitzer and seconded by Bedner, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. The council was then polled with Bender, J Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim all voting yes. G Schmidt was absent, The motion carried.
Resolution 2024-KK, a resolution setting a public hearing on the proposal to enter into a Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $400,000.00. The Public Hearing will be on December 2, 2024, at
7:00 PM, in the Kalona Community Center – City Hall council chambers. Motion was made by Beisheim and seconded by J Schmidt, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. The council was then polled with Bender, J Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim all voting yes.
G Schmidt was absent, The motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned.


Published in The News, Thursday, November 28, 2024 L-197