City of Kalona


June 17, 2024 5:30 PM

A Driving Tour Work Session of the Kalona City Council with Mayor Robe presiding. Motion was made by G Schmidt, and seconded by Bender, to approve the agenda, with all voting yes.
Council members present: Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim.
The driving tour included the following:
Southtown Recreational Area – Staff updated the council on construction and the council reviewed how the development was progressing.
Flood Mitigation Location for Yoder Property – Staff showed the council the location being proposed for the retention pond to help with flood mitigation.
Street Review- Staff showed the council a prioritized list of streets for future road projects around town.
The Council returned to City Hall council chambers.
The work session was adjourned.

Sarah Chmelar, City Clerk
Mark Robe, Mayor

Published in The News, Thursday, June 27, 2024 L-31
June 17, 2024 7:00 PM

Regular meeting of the Kalona City Council with Mayor Robe presiding. Motion was made by G Schmidt, and seconded by Spitzer, to approve the agenda, with the removal under new business item 1) Discussion of Chicken Application for 727 1st Street. With all voting yes, the motion carried, and the agenda was approved.
Council members present: Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim.
Motion was made by J Schmidt and seconded by Spitzer approving the minutes of the meeting from June 3, 2024, with all voting yes, the minutes were approved and published.
On a motion by Beisheim and seconded by Spitzer, the following bills were allowed with all
voting yes. (See below list of bills)
Access Systems, Monthly 72.36
Acco, Water Chemicals 3,097.05
Amazon Capital Services, Library Board/WCR-Teen Area 4,479.42
Barco Municipal Products, Safety Fence/Road Signs 668.96
Blake Hershberger, Rock Hauling/Pool Concrete 1,882.50
Bulltown Repair, Truck Repairs 375.91
Byron Yoder, Refund Water Rent Deposit Balance 80.28
Chem-Sult, Water Chemicals 882.65
City of Kalona, Library Board 40.52
City of Kalona, Transfer to Water-Building Permits 1,013.00
City of Kalona, Transfer to Water - ACH 16,810.87
Cj’s Oil Company, Fuel 1,614.19
Curt Strutz, Library Board 450.00
Delta Dental, Vision Insurance 78.16
Delta Dental, Dental Insurance 644.78
Dino O’Dell, Library Board 400.00
Eastern Iowa Light & Power, Street Lighting 32.25
Electric Pump, 6th Street Lift Station - Level Alarm 1,357.40
Gambles Store, Parts/Supplies 592.34
Greg Schmidt, Meeting Miles 20.10
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Payroll Taxes) 2,372.07
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Budget) 6,384.40
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Sewer (Budget) 14,391.83
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Payroll) 5,495.86
Impact7G, 10 Year Comp Plan 3,058.75
Iowa Collision & Paint, Running Boards/Rust Proofing 580.00
Iowa State University, Library Board 344.32
iRead, Library Board 250.54
ITECH, Monthly 271.35
J&S Plumbing, Insurance Claim 1,046.63
Jackie Etheredge, Library Board 745.50
John Deere Financial, Parts 380.12
Johnson County Refuse, Yard Waste Bin 296.60
John Haynes, Library Board 100.00
Kalona Auto Parts, Truck Parts 129.70
Kalona Builders, Supplies 43.99
Kalona Coop Technology, Monthly 1,788.71
Kleoper Lawn Care, Broadleaf Control/Fertilization 550.00
Konica Minolta, Library Board 38.50
Kuenster Heating & Air, Rec Rooftop AC Maintenance 150.00
Maple Avenue Nursery, Mulch 259.96
Mark Robe, Meeting Miles 20.10
Midwest Scoring, Part 65.00
One Source, Background Check 19.00
Paws & More, Quarterly Budget/Utility Bill Commitment 1,975.00
Phelan Hostetler, Refund Water Rental Deposit Balance 21.67
Pitney Bowes, Quarterly Lease Fee 163.83
Pool Tech, Pool Chemicals 933.04
Principal Life Insurance - Life Insurance 315.55
River Products Company, Rock 1,202.87
State Hygienic Laboratory, Lab Testing 256.50
TASC, Monthly 19.36
Team Laboratory, Sewer Chemicals 9,981.25
Teresa Kauffman, Refund Water Rental Deposit Balance 11.90
Thrapp Electric, Electrical Repairs 507.00
Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Health Insurance 5,866.19
Yotty’s, Supplies 702.07
Yotty’s, Library Board 57.52

Transfer funds $28,644.16
General Fund 28,075.97
Washington Co. Riverboat Fd 4,479.42
Library Memorial Fund 1,544.86
Library Board Fund 1,424.49
Local Option Sale Tax Fund 3,058.75
Road Use Fund 4,579.39
Trust & Agency Fund 2,806.15
Capitol Project Fund 261,840.90
Water Fund 6,384.40
Sewer Fund 14,391.83
Transfer Funds $ 24,556.59
General Fund 29,577.00
Library Memorial Fund 460.00
Library Board Fund 72.45
Garbage Fund 16,396.82
Storm Sewer Fund 3,666.00
Water Fund 17,285.96
Sewer Fund 12,509.63

Public Form:
1) Chad Ellis with Washington County Sheriff’s Office was present to share calls for service and general discussion.
2) Mary Audia with Washington County Economic Development Group was present to update the council on activities and developments within Washington County.
Second reading with the option of third and final reading of Ordinance No. 2024-353, an ordinance amending section 165.08 regarding fences and hedge regulations. Changes would include a permit requirement for the installation of a fence or hedge with a $25.00 fee for the permit. A motion was made by Beisheim and seconded by Spitzer, to waive the second reading and move to the third and final reading of the ordinance. The Mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called the following named council members voted: Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim, each voting yes.
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion duly carried.
A motion was made by G Schmidt and seconded by J Schmidt to approve the third and final reading of Ordinance No. 2024-353. The Mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called the following named council members voted: Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim, each voting yes.
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion duly carried and passed its final reading.
Consideration of Iowa ABD License Renewal and Amendment for the following:
Renewal for Dollar General – Class B Retail Alcohol License.
Motion was made by G Schmidt, and seconded by Beisheim, with a vote of 4-1. The motion carried.
Consideration of Pay App #1 for CJ Moyna & Sons LLC in the amount of $261,840.90 for the Vista Park Project. Motion was made by G Schmidt, and seconded by J Schmidt to approve the pay app. With all voting yes, the motion carried.
Resolution No. 2024-W, a resolution adopting and approving tax compliance proceedings relating to Tax-Exempt Bonds. The Local Option Sales Tax Bond is exempt from taxes and the resolution outlines the City will be in compliance for the bond. Motion was made by Beisheim, and seconded by G Schmidt, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. The council was then polled with Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim each voting yes. The motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned.


Published in The News, Thursday, June 27, 2024 L-177